Chapter 23

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Seokjin further scooted towards the headrest of the bed, tightly clutching a soft pillow to his chest as he examined the two figures gently trudging their way into his bedroom one after the other. The first figure being his very familiar caregiver, and the other, a strange looking lady he's never once laid eyes on in his entire life.

His heart rate spikes up immediately, his insides churning with uncertainty as to why on earth he ever agreed to the so called therapeutic session provided for him in the first place. Seokjin could feel the pad of his fingers grow numb in fear, because being faced with a total stranger in his own home, was unlike anything he's ever experienced in his entire life.

He watched in absolute horror and dismay as Jungkook pulled out the vanity stool and offered it to the lady, who in turn gladly took it with a curt nod and a small appreciative smile.

Vehemently shaking his head in disapproval, Seokjin quickly screws his eyes shut as tightly as possible.

No! There was no way in hell, he couldn't do it, he just couldn't. People fucking scared the hell out of him, they were cruel, they were mean and just very ruthless. And most of all, they've done nothing but instigate so much fear and pain into his mind and heart since he was basically a kid.

Jungkook cleared his throat, daring to saunt towards the bed until he was seated beside the very panicky boy. "Seok__"

"No! No! No! I can't do this, I have no idea why I thought I could in the first place, but I just can't. Please tell her to leave this instant, tell her to leave my presence Jungkook, please" He practically pleaded with a full blown stutter, his eyes glistening with tears that threatened to fall at any minute as he expectantly stared at the man seated beside him.

Jungkook exhaled deeply, he felt tired, exasperated, utterly and completely sated to hit the nail on the head. Turning in the lady's direction, he flashes her an apologetic smile, to which the said lady was quick to casually wave off as a sign of okay. Clearly she was trying to convey the obvious fact that she had indeed seen worser cases compared to that of Seokjin's, to scare her out of her life long passion and renowned profession.

Jungkook on the other hand, felt rather thankful as he returned his attention to the now sullen boy. His heart shattering into a million pieces at the sight of how broken Seokjin looked. It was quite easy for one to see and pick up the faintest fibers of fear lacing his brown moistened orbs as he blinked off his cloudy vision.

All Jungkook wanted to do as he gazed at Seokjin, was pull him into a hug, the kind that reassured him of comfort, protection, care, love and most of all safety.

"Hey__" Jungkook began, his voice coming out as soft and as tender as possible, "it's okay, it's all going to be okay. You have to trust me, you have to trust us Seokjin, there's no way in hell we would ever allow you relive your gruesome past and nightmares twice, you mean so much to us, we would never put you through all that hurt all over again no matter what. The only thing we are trying to do right now is help you, but we can only do that if you allow us to, because without your consent and co-operation, whatever it is that we are all trying to do to will only end up in a futile note. Do you understand that Seokjin?"

Seokjin sniffs mildly, teary eyes still ogling at his caregiver in silent, yet desperate pleas.

"W—what if she tries to hurt me while you're away?" He manages to croak out, lips wobbling defensively.

"She won't" Jungkook reassures, wishing hopelessly he could take hold of the boy's hands into his as he spoke. "no one would ever dare, I'd have their heads on a stake in the blink of an eye if they ever tried to lift their miserable fingers against you. And also, I'm not going anywhere, I would never do that, I'm your caregiver remember? I'm here to take care of you no matter what Seokjin, that is my job, my only and downright favorite job ever. I'm not leaving you, I'm only going outside to wait with Jimin while you talk to the doctor, Non of us are leaving you, we definitely aren't going anywhere okay?"

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