Chapter 8

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"He really called you that?"

"Yes he did Jimin, then afterwards went ahead to freaking kick me out of his bedroom. I still do not get it any of it, how the fuck I'm I a murderer for trying to prevent him from catching a cold?" Jungkook complains non stop on his call with Jimin.

He could hear Jimin exhaling at the other end of the line before saying, "I'm really sorry on his behalf, you know Jin tends to say all sorts of things"

"Is that enough reason for him to cry as well? Because i swear he broke down in tears right before my eyes, saying some shit like, I've only made it worse"

Jimin sighs, "Actually Jungkook, Jin doesn't do very well in confined spaces"

"The word confined, doesn't exactly apply to any of the bedrooms in this house Jimin and you of all people know that" Jungkook argued on blatantly.

"I know, I know very well it doesn't, but does he know that? Listen to me Jungkook, Jin is not an easy person to deal with, I mean you literally saw that for yourself the very first day you met him. But, underneath all those ruins and chaos, lies a very delicate young man whose just very afraid to let his guards down. Jin has been through so much Jungkook, so if he says you're trying to kill him, then you might as well just accept it and save yourself the insistent stress of having to explain"

Jungkook's brows furrowed together in confusion, as he paced back and forth in the huge living room. "What do you mean?"

"Well, he tends to experience lots of nightmares whenever he's in an enclosed space, not that he ever shares it with me often, but I know the nightmares scares him to death. So, I guess that was what happened to him last night that made him lash out on you like that"

Jungkook threw his head backwards with a loud groan, scoffing inbetween. Was this really the kind of mess he'd intentionally gotten himself into?

"Okay, so what I'm I supposed to do now? He's blatantly refused to talk to me, should I maybe stay out of his way? Let's say for a few hours?"

"I'd advice for the rest of the entire day actually" Jimin informs in one go.

"Yeah, not on my watch"

Jungkook stood outside the door leading to Jin's bedroom, a tray of freshly diced fruits adorning the small white saucer placed on it. He sucked in a generous amount of air to sedate his pulse, before carefully pushing the door open.

To his surprise, Jin was neither seated nor laid down in his usual position, which was the bed, and this immediately causes Jungkook's worries to intensify greatly.

"Jin?" He called out the first time, awaiting a response, only to be met with total quietness. So he sets the tray down on the vanity beside the wardrobe and called out yet again, even louder this time.

"Kim Seokjin!"

Again, only the eerie silence stretched on for a while, until his echoes eventually faded out as well.

Jungkook's heart rate abruptly spikes up, worried that his actions the previous night may have driven Jin over the edge. Reaching for his cellphone, he pulled it out and immediately dials Jimin yet again.

"What? Why are you screaming like a crazed man?" Jin yells right back, as he emerges from only God knows where, with a box like package in his possession,

Jungkook sighed, a long kind, as he allowed his flaring gaze sweep all over Jin's pale frame. "Where the hell were you? I've been calling out to you"

"That doesn't answer my question Mr man and moreover it's my mansion, have I suddenly lost the right to move about as much as I want?"

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