15. Scorpions

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As the Loyalty team left the small clearing, vultures circled overhead, and hyenas appeared in the distance, but they only sniffed the air from afar.

"What do you think Damian, our captor, meant by accept and deal with it?" Nerina, a quick-witted member of the team, asked as she tried to get into a comfortable position, her hands and feet tied behind her, like everyone else's.

"Maybe he meant for us to resign ourselves to being eaten by the vultures?" Keenan guessed.

"The scavengers will wait until we stop moving, so first we'll die of thirst here," Elgatto said, trying to get closer to the elf girl. "Aura, can you turn around? I'll try to untie your knot."

"I actually believed that he sympathized with us. If he had killed us, it would have been a merciful death, but this is cruel, torturing us..." Tobi lamented, watching Elgatto and Aura trying to unravel the thick rope knot with their backs to each other.

"I think he meant the poor creatures underneath, not us. He probably pities them for having nothing to eat in this desolate place," Keenan said.

Dupe also fidgeted, and then something occurred to him: "If I transform at night, do you think these ropes will break off me? Then we're saved! Or will they cut into my flesh and lose my hands and feet?"

"As a dragon, you're much stronger than these ropes! They'll surely break off you!" Tobi reassured.

"If we consider that your clothes disappear during transformation, I think the rope will vanish too. That would be logical if we follow the nature of magic," Nerina pondered aloud.

This reassured them. Elgatto was still struggling with the rope tied to Aura, but it wasn't easy to blindly try to untie a tight knot with your back to someone. Aura occasionally winced when she felt the rope cutting into her wrist.

"I don't like this whole thing," Keenan began. "Why did they leave our weapons? If we exert ourselves more, we could roll over, grab our swords, and cut the rope."

"We really need to exert ourselves, but it wouldn't be impossible!" said Tobi.

Keenan continued, "Did Damian not think of this? There's something here that we haven't seen yet."

"Do you think there's a trap where they leave our weapons? If so, it's good we have another plan! We have to wait patiently until it gets dark." Dupe added.

"Can I roll along the wall to get to the weapons and see what trap they left there?" Keenan asked.

"I think it's unnecessary to risk it!" replied Nerina.

However, they didn't wait long in peace because suddenly there was silence. The hyenas, lurking around them and some even daringly close, suddenly began to back away and disappeared from their sight. Not only them, but the vultures also flew away from above their heads. The small group looked around a bit more nervously, wondering what caused this change in the behavior of the scavengers.

"There's a sharp part of the rock next to me; I'll try to see if I can cut the rope with it," said Tobi, cautiously moving to position his hand correctly.

The silence weighed heavily on them; only the sizzling sound of Tobi's rope rubbing against the rock and the faint smell of sweat could be heard and smelled.

"I saw something moving!" Aura said, "Over there, by the weapons!"

But she didn't need to say it because six substantial scorpion-like creatures, known for their deadly stingers and aggressive nature, approached them slowly. It became clear to them that Damian didn't leave their deaths to chance.

In terror, they tried to find a sharp spot on the rock, like Tobi, where they could cut. Tobi managed to free his hands; now, he was cutting the rope on his legs, but it was more challenging because he had to lift his short legs.

Meanwhile, the scorpions were steadily approaching, their massive forms casting ominous shadows across the rocky terrain. As they got closer, it became clear they were taller than Keenan. The stingers were poised above their heads, ready to strike at any moment, their deadly intent palpable.

"What's the plan now? There's not enough time to run for the weapons!" whispered Dupe as he approached Tobi's sharp rock, not finding a suitable spot where he was sitting.

"I'll distract them soon. While I do that, you can cut the rope on this rock. Whoever's ready, run for the weapons!" said Tobi.

"This is madness!" exclaimed Aura. "Did you see how big they are? They're going to kill you!"

"Promise that you'll free Morte!" said Tobi, only a little left to finally free his leg from the rope.

The others shouted in terror at Tobi not to do it, but the scorpions were only a few steps away. Tobi then suddenly jumped up, his face a mask of determination, and started running in the opposite direction of the clearing to avoid blocking the path to the weapons. Meanwhile, Dupe desperately cut the rope, his hands shaking with urgency, while watching the little dwarf run with his tiny legs.

"He shouldn't have been the one to run!" shouted Elgatto, sitting next to the winged one, ready to go next. "Dupe, hurry up!"

Dupe finished and flew for the weapons. Meanwhile, Tobi reached the rock wall and ran along it, but one scorpion struck down and crushed the dwarf. Everyone cried out loudly. Dupe was already there with the weapons, and by then, the scorpions crawled towards them again.

As the team emerged from their bonds, the canyon's clearance, a barren and unforgiving landscape, offered little solace as the monstrous scorpion-like creatures, their massive forms casting long shadows across the rocky terrain, descended upon them with deadly intent.

Ever vigilant, Elgatto, with a clever leap, cut off the nearest scorpion's stinger and positioned himself protectively beside Aura, his dual daggers glinting in the sunlight as he prepared to defend her from the onslaught. Keenan, his massive greatsword held aloft, bellowed a fierce battle cry as he charged headlong into the fray, his orcish strength driving him forward with unstoppable force.

With her hands crackling with arcane energy, Nerina unleashed a torrent of earth magic upon the creatures, causing the ground beneath them to tremble and quake. With powerful beats of his wings, Dupe soared into the air, his sword flashing as he descended upon the creatures from above, striking with deadly precision.

Meanwhile, Aura, unable to heal her companions, moved with grace and agility, dodging the creatures' attacks with practiced ease as she searched for any opportunity to aid her allies.

The battle was fierce and chaotic, the canyon ringing with the clash of steel and the enraged screeches of the monstrous creatures. Despite their formidable opponents, the team fought with unmatched determination, their resolve unbroken even in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the dust settled and the last of the creatures fell, the team stood victorious amidst the wreckage of their battle. Though Tobi's sacrifice weighed heavily upon them, they knew they had honored his memory by defeating the creatures that had taken his life.

With weary but triumphant smiles, they gathered together, their bond more vital than ever as they celebrated their hard-fought victory. For in that moment, they knew that as long as they stood together, there was nothing they could not overcome.

There, over the dwarf's body, they vowed to continue their mission and carry out their plan to free Tobi's friend from the Four Sepulcher and help him to take the throne.

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