7. Undead

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Nerina was still angry, and her movements revealed her frustration. Sessom tried to be friendly and initiate conversation but only received yes-and-no answers. Aura felt it was better to let her calm down on her own.

They seemingly wandered through the dark forest, but they didn't dare to ask the angry woman leading the way if they were sure they needed to go this way. Then, they reached a clearing and saw the cylindrical tower.

The moonlight revealed the outlines of the nine-floor tower. Around it, the jagged protrusions of rocks indicated that the only way to pass here was through the ground-floor chamber filled with monsters. Aura knew a much longer way to Aden, towards the lakes, and if she had been asked, she would have chosen that one, as it led through much more beautiful landscapes.

At Sessom's suggestion, they rested, and at dawn, they set off again to avoid unnecessary injuries. So, when they arrived at the tower in the morning, Tobi and Dupe were sitting next to the orc, who, upon seeing them, jumped up to greet his wife.

Aura enjoyed seeing her two companions, the dwarf and the half-dragon. It was as if they were already old friends, which was a strange premonition feeling. They were essential to her, and she realized that now. She had never felt this way about the Loyalty team or her family. But it wasn't just the elf girl who felt this invisible bond that had formed between them; Tobin and Dupe also showed relief at seeing her intact.

And there was someone else there: a tall, slender, dark elf. His black clothes were out of this world, and his belt contained two daggers encrusted with precious stones.

Aura uncertainly watched the stranger. Since leaving her elf village, she had learned that many things were not as they had been taught. Curiosity and fear mingled within her. Dark elves were their opposites: they lived underground and used dark forces for their magic.

She found herself staring at her new acquaintance, who was already outlining how they would pass through the chamber filled with undead. And she was included in the plan, Aura. She looked up when she heard the words elves.

"Elves have the skill to freeze the undead. After I gather the entire room, you will recite the incantation, and everyone will quickly rush through the chamber. But we must hurry because they will only be motionless for ten seconds!" Elgatto turned to Aura. "Remember: sile, non possum audire respirationem, you must say this."

Aura's mouth fell open. She didn't want to repeat that she was banned, but she didn't need to, as Tobi spoke instead: "We think, Aura, that only your assisting skills were banned; those against monsters aren't affected... It's worth a try!"

"But I don't understand. How does he know my skills, and what if they don't work?" The elf girl did not even realize how rude she was not speaking directly to Elgatto.

"Why wouldn't it work?" Elgatto smiled. "If you do everything as I say, it will work! I know your skill because I used to have a dear elf-healing friend. We went together against monsters, and I heard the spell many times."

Aura repeated the chant and shivered. Why did they have to hurry so much? Indeed, she understood it; everyone was afraid their pursuers might catch up with them.

When she entered the tower's massive stone building, the cool air gave Aura goosebumps. It didn't help that the stranger was still explaining the plan, standing too close, and she could smell his pleasant scent. Elgatto's eyes glowed in the faint half-light, and his snow-white hair shimmered blue here. They walked a few meters on the circular corridor until they reached an upstairs staircase. But instead of going up, they stopped at the door next to the stairs.

"I've done this before," Elgatto said, waiting for the others to catch up. "If the freezing fails, I'll pick you up and rush out with you, back to the others. Nothing bad will happen! However, if that's the case, we'll have to fight them, which will be more work..."

"But that's what you wanted!" Dupe encouraged Aura. "You wanted to improve your warrior skills!"

Well, yes, but she didn't think she'd get the opportunity so suddenly and without being able to practice beforehand. She didn't say anything; instead, she looked into the dark elf's yellow-glowing eyes and nodded.

Tobi cracked open the door, and Elgatto peeked in. Looking back, he whispered to Aura, "I'm going!" and suddenly disappeared. As they had arranged, Aura stopped in front of the slightly ajar door and waited for the agreed-upon moment. What she saw inside shocked her completely.

Several hundred green monsters barged into the giant hall, not very fast. Still, they started following the rushing Elgatto, who maneuvered among them skillfully, making sure to herd them into a line without letting them touch him. Aura watched breathlessly as the undead slowly lined up as obedient lambs, but she couldn't call them that because these were brutal monsters. Greenish saliva dripped from their mouths, and the mere touch of it caused terrible agony.

Elgatto raised his arm. That was the signal. Aura pushed the door open, moved forward, and waited for them to be within five steps. Then she raised her hand to stop them and shouted: "Sile, non possum audire respirationem!" as loudly and angrily as she could.

Aura witnessed the following events as if in slow motion: Elgatto reached her side and extended his right hand to grab her waist but glanced back at the monsters, and when he saw them standing still, he didn't touch her but instead, he bypassed her from behind and shouted something. And when Elgatto saw that she was still staring at the undead incredulously, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along while the others rushed past them. As Aura ran, she looked at the undead's groaning faces, their hunched bodies. She almost pitied them; they looked so pathetic.

There was a little commotion in front of the other door because several zombies were still standing motionless there, and they had to maneuver around them. The dark elf didn't let go of her hand even then, even though it was difficult to fit between two zombies, and it would have been easier if both his hands were free. He continuously helped Aura, which felt strange to her.

Then everyone made it across, and the gate was closed behind them.

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