Chapter 10: I accidentally end a two year relationship, but we also go shopping!

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Chloe's POV


I woke up the next morning in my own room. Jaime wasn't there, and I figured I must have dreamed it all, but then I realized that the bed was too neatly made, so he must've left earlier. I turned and looked at the clock on my nightstand. 11:43 A.M. No wonder he already left. I got up and put on some other clothes, actually the same ones I've been wearing all week, which reminds me that I still need to go shopping.

I walked down to the lounge and kitchen to find no one there. I find a sticky note on the fridge saying that they've gone on a mission, and decided to let me sleep in. Wise choice. I make myself some cereal, and sit down just as they walk in. "Really? More cereal?" Wally said as he grabbed some Pop-Tarts from the cabinet and sat down next to me. "Hey, cereal is really good. But what are those?" I said as he ate his Pop-Tarts.

He tossed me one, and it bit into it, smiling as I tasted the sweet sugariness mixed with the savory jelly. Suddenly M'gann stormed by, an angry expression on her face, and Conner walked by the other way, an angrier expression on his face. "What's up with them?" I asked Wally, and he shrugged. "They've been like that since yesterday. Conner thinks M'gann went way too hard pulling you back out of your memories, and that she could've hurt herself or you." Artemis says as she takes a seat at the table and Wally passes her a Pop Tart.

"So is it my fault?" I ask, worried I just ruined their relationship. "Nah, they'll get over it." Wally said as he finished his 5th Pop Tart. Artemis is quiet as she looks at my outfit and munches on the Pop Tart. "What?" I ask her, noticing her staring. She shakes her hand and stands up. "We need to take you shopping. You've been wearing the same clothes all week!" She said as she gestured to my outfit.

"That's not true! I wear my suit sometimes, plus I wash these!" I said as I crossed my arms. "Yeah, but you can't live in those clothes forever! We're going to change while you get everyone, take two of mall day everyone! No fainting this time!" He yelled as he sped off, Artemis following. I turned to see M'gann leaning against the kitchen counter, eating a Pop-Tart sadly. Man, I guess everyone loves them.

"Hey, are you good?" I asked as I leaned on the counter next to her. She nodded and took another bite of the Pop-Tart. I sighed. "It's Conner isn't it?" I asked, and she nodded. "He thinks I went too hard on you when I pulled you back out of your memories. I didn't, right?" She asked as she finished her Pop-Tart and threw it in the trash can. "Nah, I was at the end anyway." I said.

"You guys realize I can hear your conversation, right? Super hearing!" Conner yelled from the couch as he pointed to his ears. I laughed, but M'gann glared at him. "And who said you could listen?" She yelled. He turned to say something, but instead his eyes widened as he looked at her. She threw her arms up, and he waved his arm in a circle. They went back and forth waving their arms. I had no idea what was going on.

"They're having a psychic conversation, er, argument I guess." I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned to see Jaime leaning on the fridge, eating a bag of goldfish. He offered me some, and I took a few. We both watched as they argued, ending with both of them storming off in opposite directions.

"Oh this is so my fault." I said as I put my face in my hands. "Nah, this isn't the first time they've had an argument." Jaime said as he offered me more goldfish, which I gladly took. Then Wally sped into the room, slowly followed by the rest of the team. "Are we all ready? Wait, where are M'gann and Conner?" He asked as everyone looked around the room for them. "Uh, I don't think they're coming." I said as I rubbed my neck, and everyone nodded.

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