Chapter 16: "He fancies you, you know?"

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The Duke and the candidates are having their breakfast in the grand dining hall. They each had their fill with all of the dishes prepared for them.

“How is your rooms, ladies? Is it to your liking?” the Duke asked while slicing through his steak.

“I really love the furnitures, Your Highness! It is like I’m in my tribe, I am very grateful.” Ayhra exclaimed with a ‘cute’ voice. The Duke only nodded and Ayhra continued eating with a disappointed face.

“The books were to my liking, Your Highness. May I ask where did you found them?” Lavelie told the Duke.

“It is stored in the castle's library, I can take you there if you want more books to read.” The Duke answered and Ayhra was jealous.

Stupid books, they're boring.’ Ayhra thought.

“The caged Fiarun is amazing, Your Highness. Fiaruns are expensive so I am very grateful, Your Highness.” Beatrice smiled.

“Basti, you know me very well! I really love the room you have provided!” Giannis exclaimed.

Dropping honorifics, eh?’ the Duke thought.

“That is good to hear, Lady Giannis. How about you Lady Hyacinth, how is your room?” the Duke asked Hyacinth. Hearing that the Duke doesn't call Giannis in her nickname made her confused and her blood boil.

“It is too much, Your Highness. You know that I love stargazing but making a dome-shaped glass as the ceiling is too much.” Hyacinth replied. All of them were surprised.

“That’s so rude, Lady Hyacinth. You should be grateful!” Beatrice immediately commented.

“So ungrateful, I can have Hyacinth’s room, Your Highness. I love stargazing more than Hyacinth.” Ayhra exclaimed.

As Hyacinth was about to say something, Lavelie cutted in the topic.

“I think you shouldn't drop honorifics on Lady Hyacinth, Miss Ayhra. You are a foreigner as you came from a enemy tribe. Lady Hyacinth is a noble, you should address her with respect.” Lavelie commented sternly, emphasizing the ‘Miss’.

“Lady Lavelie is right, you shouldn't drop honorifics. Respect eachother.” the Duke agreed.

Their breakfast was quiet after that and they went to their destinations afterwards.

As Hyacinth walked to the garden, Lavelie was running towards her.

“Lady Lavelie, are you alright?” Hyacinth asked, worried.

“Let me catch my breath.” Lavelie replied and inhaled.

“Where are you going, Lady Hyacinth. Let me join you!” Lavelie added.

“Just going to the garden for a quick stroll.” Hyacinth replied and they both stook a stroll.

“An dome-shaped glass as your ceiling? The Duke is going such lengths for the great Archeress, eh?” Lavelie teased.

“Come on, maybe he is just worried of my well being.” Hyacinth chuckled.

“Wait, is it okay to drop the honorifics when it's just the both of us?” Lavelie asked, worried that she might disrespect Hyacinth.

“Of course, I don't have any friends except the warriors in the Fleuvhan troop.” Hyacinth smiled reassuringly.

“I saw how the Duke looks at you.” Lavelie said that made Hyacinth off guard.

“I don't know why but I think something happened between the two of you. My mother always says that made intuition is always true!” Lavelie added.

“N-nothing h-happened, don’t worry.” Hyacinth stuttered.

“Ohhh, something did happen. Tell me!” Lavelie wiggled her eyebrows.

Hyacinth wants to tell Lavelie what happened between her and the Duke but she's wary. So she decided to come up an excuse.

“I saw the Duke at the training grounds, nothing more.” Hyacinth said.

Sorry, Lavelie.’ Hyacinth thought.

“There’s something more, I just know it. I won't force you, Hyacinth. You can tell me if you're comfortable enough.” Lavelie smiled.

“But he fancies you, we can't deny that.” Lavelie continued smirking.

“Come on, Lavelie. The Duke likes Ayhra, I am certain.” Hyacinth chuckled.

“Ayhra? The rude daughter of a chief? I highly impose.” Lavelie said while crossing her arms. They chuckled and went their ways.

Hyacinth felt thankful and happy to have a friend like Lavelie but that happiness was short term, a tragedy occured as they spoke to eachother.

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