Chapter Six: "Story Flow Gone Wrong"

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ONE OF THE DUCHESS’ MAIDS?!?! Ayhra was supposed to be the DUCHESS herself!! This is unbelievable. Now the story flow has definitely gone wrong.

The Duke saw my surprised expression and chuckled. I looked at him weirdly but he still stared at me! What's wrong with him? First, he appointed Ayhra as one of the maids and now he’s staring at me? He definitely bumped his head unto something.

“It seems like Count Guillermo’s daughter, Hyacinth, have objections. Lady Hyacinth, share your thoughts.” the Duke said. The people in the room diverted their attention to me and that was pretty uncomfortable.

“U-uhm, Your Highness, a beauty like Ayhra shouldn't be wasted. As you know, I heard that Ayhra is not just a beauty but a genius also. She knows the Fifteen Script of the Historic Jaikazh War! Even scholars find that book to be hard to memorized.” so glad I helped Asha in writing this book! The Duke nodded and looked at me with amusement.

Dude, you're supposed to look at Ayhra, not me!’

“Since Lady Guillermo has a point, I will be adding Miss Ayhra to the candidates for Fleuvan’s Future Duchess.” the Duke declared. I smiled with delight and cheered in my mind.

The story is back on track, your incredible Emerald!

“And I will also add Lady Guillermo, daughter of Count and Countess Guillermo to the candidates for Future Duchess.” the Duke declared once again and left the grand hall.

My jaw dropped. What? Candidate? What is literally going on right now?! I really thought the story is back on track, now it's getting worse! I can't be a candidate for Future Duchess.

Think Emerald, think!

A few moments of thinking, I've gathered a solution! I will make the Duke hate me so that he’ll remove me! Right, you’ve done once again, Emerald!

Ayhra was about to leave the grand hall and suddenly she stopped and looked at me for a second. I smiled and waved at her but she rolled her eyes at me and walked right pass me. What's with the attitude girl? We're the bestest of friends, what's going on?

I was so confused. First, the Duke appointed me to be one of the candidates and then Ayhra is treating me like trash when she's the literal trash right now since she's a captive.

No offense, Ayhra but you intimidated me first. This girl is not going to show you some mercy, duh!

What more could possibly happen?

“That was unexpected, the Duke choosing our daughter?” the Countess said to her husband and held my hand afterwards.

“He even called our daughter ‘Barbarian Princess’ before. What is wrong with the Duke?” the Count wondered.

Barbarian Princess, huh? If you weren't so handsome and a Duke, I would beat you so hard.’

Me and my soft spot for handsome guys.

After the meeting, we all went home and right now, I’m in my room writing my plan on how to make the Duke hate me. I spent hours writing the plan that I didn't even get enough sleep! I freshen up and proceeded to the ding room to eat my breakfast. After that, I asked Karra to prepare the carriage for I will be visting the Duke.

‘Let the battle begin.’

( Author's Note: Will be switching from Emerald’s/Hyacinth’s POV to Third Person’s POV )

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