Chapter 14: "Shaman Kiri"

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Official Daniar is currently in the prison. The Duke sentenced him 2 years in confinement for disrespecting Hyacinth.

In the Guillermo Manor, Hyacinth is preparing herself to go to the Duke’s castle again. Her visits became frequent and her desire to go back to the real world becomes stronger.

“Kara, any news about Official Daniar?” Hyacinth asked, even though he disrespected her, she is still worried.

“The Daniar Manor is wrecking havoc, my lady. The wife of Official Daniar are begging the Duke to spare her husband.” Kara replied.

“I should pay the poor Official a visit.” Hyacinth stood up and Kara followed her lady.

Hyacinth arrived at the castle and coincidentally bumped into the Duke.

“What brings you here, Lady Guillermo?” the Duke asked.

“Good Morning, Your Highness. Is it possible to meet Official Daniar? I cannot help but worry.” Hyacinth bowed.

The Duke showed a dissatisfied look before replying.

“Yes, Lady Guillermo. I will join you as I was on my way to meet him.”

Both of them with knights accompanying them went to the dungeon. They saw the Official being treated by a weird lady. The Official scrunched his face in pain, he cannot shout as his tongue was already cutted off. The weird lady stood up and looked at our direction.

“Oh my, Oh my!! Thou brought a maiden?! Such magnifico news!” the weird lady exclaimed. Hyacinth awkwardly smiled.

“Shaman Kiri, you’re scaring my guest. How is the Official?” the Duke chuckled.

So she’s a shaman.’ Hyacinth thought.

“He is in good condition. Por favor, do set this man free. He will not survive in here.” Shaman Kiri asked.

“I will set him free after I talk some sense to him.” the Duke said and went inside the Official's prison. Hyacinth was startled when Shaman Kiri suddenly held her hand.

“Hmmm... You are not feeling uncomfortable in this world, eh?” the Shaman said. Hyacinth’s eyes widened.

“How did you know? Please tell me how can I go back to my world.” Hyacinth pleaded.

“Dear child, thou believest is not true.” the Shaman said and let go of Hyacinth’s hand as the Duke already went outside.

Not true? What do I believe that is not true???’ Hyacinth was confused.

“I will perform a ritual before you set him free, wait for me.” Shaman Kiri said and performed the ritual.

“Let us get out of here, shall we?” the Duke said and Hyacinth nodded.

The both of them bid their goodbyes and as Hyacinth went to her carriage, she bumped into Ayhra.

“Stay away from my Sébastien, wench. He is MINE.” Ayhra threatened.

“Have him, I do not care.” Hyacinth shrugged and went to her carriage.

A wench like you should not be a candidate. I will trample you and I will get rid of you, Emerald.’ Ayhra thought and her eyes shined green.

( A.N — Something’s fishyy! )

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