I only have 40 minutes to get ready, so I take a quick shower and throw on a pair of black jeans. It takes me a few second to pick out my shirt. I try to remember what Liddy's favorite color is. Green, no. Pink, no. Oh yeah, now I remember it's maroon. Thankfully, I own lots of shirts in that color, the question is do I have one in the style my fans like and comment on a lot. Bingo! I end up picking a maroon shirt that fits snug with the top 3 buttons undone. I'm hoping if my fans like this look then Liddy will, too.

Once I'm dressed, I then brush my teeth, run some styling gel through my hair and put on my signature scent by Burberry, called "Hunter's Beat." I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that both Burberry and Converse contacted me asking if they could develop products lines using my name and wanted me to be the spokesperson.

I grab a dark gray leather jacket, my black ball cap, and the keys to my Porsche and Jaguar. I feel like driving one of my other cars tonight. I'll let Liddy pick which one she prefers.

Before I leave, I walk outside with Cole. I've noticed that he is getting more and more gray hair on his face. He's slowing down and walking a bit stiff. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's time for him to walk over the rainbow bridge. I love him so much. He is such a good dog. Adopting him was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have a feeling falling in love with Liddy is going to be another perfect choice. When Cole has completed his business, I bring him back inside and head to the garage with my heart racing and a huge smile on my face. Being around Liddy does that to me.

Liddy's POV

"Okay, Liddy calm down. Just breath." I hear Liz say from the speaker on my phone.

"I can't calm down. I'm going on a date with Hunter, Well I guess it isn't technically a date, but close enough and I have no idea what to wear and little time to get ready!"

"It's going to be fine. Wear something really cute, like jeans and a sweater."

"Liz seriously, I call you freaking out and all you give me for advice is to wear jeans and a sweater! Could you be a bit more specific?"

"Okay, Okay, How about the dark blue jeans and brown suede boots you wore when we went shopping, the other day. The heels on the boots weren't that high, so it shouldn't be a problem with your ankle. Plus those jeans look freaking amazing on you."

"Are you sure? Maybe I should wear a maxi skirt?"

"Trust me. Wear those jeans and the dark cranberry red sweater I bought you for your birthday. Pair it with a tank and scarf and you will look awesome."

I look through my closet and find the sweater Liz suggested. It does go well with my skin tone. "I found the sweater. What color tank?"

"Girl, do I have to pick the whole outfit?" She laughs.

"Please, I just want to look my best. Plus you owe me. I'm pretty sure I chose every outfit you wore for the first 6 months you were dating Joe."

"Oh yeah, you did, didn't you." She says. "Well, before you pick the shirt do you have a scarf that goes with that sweater? I can't remember if I gave you one that matches the sweater. I think I did, but I'm not sure."

"Yeah you did. Now can I find it?" You can totally hear how stressed I am, in my voice. "Here it is. It's got tan, cream and that same cranberry red in it."

"Then pick a tan or cream tank top. One with a scoop neckline, nothing to revealing, just low enough to make him wonder."

"Liz, you crack me up." I giggle. "I'm going with a tan tank. It fits your requirements perfectly."

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