Meeseeks and Destroy | S1E5

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Yet again traumatized by an inter-dimensional adventure with Rick, you and Morty end up in charge of your own.. only to get traumatized again.

Episode Name- Meeseeks and Destroy
Word Count- 5,250

A/N: TW- Themes of S/A (Similar manner as the show, but still uncomfortable)

I've marked the start and end of the scene with (---)

. . .

"Run!" Rick screams, rushing behind us as our family, no, a clone of our family rushes by. Morty and I reach the end of the hallway, turning a sharp corner. Another yell leaves Rick's mouth as he is grappled to the ground by Mom and Dad. The remote he had grasped in his hand skids over to us, Morty swiping it off the ground.

"Morty! Do it! Hit the button now!" Rick yells at him, our clone family still gnawing at him like zombies.

"I can't do it, Rick! They're my parents and sister!" Morty screeches as I stand in awe of the scene.

"I already told you it's not your family. They're clones from an alternate reality possessed by demonic alien spirits from another dimension's future! Do you need a mnemonic device or something? Just hit the button already!" Rick struggles in keeping them away from his face, yelling instructions at an already overwhelmed Morty. He whines. Mom--no, I mean fake Mom, slowly begins to approach us.

"God damn it, Morty! Move, let me do it!" I snap at him, pushing the device in his hand on the floor, reaching over to the red buttoning and pressing it. My mouth drops as I watch my fake family screech and deform into the small device set on the ground. Morty pulls himself to a corner, wailing more loudly as I stare at the contraption longer. What the fuck.

"Good work (Y/N), come on Morty, get up, let's go." Rick congratulates as he pops open another portal with his gun, walking through with us in tow. I stare at the ground, my mouth still slightly ajar due to what I just witnessed.

"Y-you know these demonic alien spirits are really valuable-" Rick gets interrupted by Morty's audible vomiting in the corner, "You okay, Morty? I told you not to trust that tuna." I sit staring at the ground, my arms clasped against my legs. Why are we even letting Rick drag us around like this? He needs us more than we need him.

"I just had to kill my family, Rick! Despite t-them being ghosts or w-whatever! Morty and I had to see that! Don't you realize how fucked that is?" I stand up, facing their direction. Morty staggers, still recovering from the vomit. I glance at the green vile on the floor and grimace in disgust before focusing on Rick again.

"N-not ghosts, demonic alien spirits taking the form of your family," Rick responds, messing with the ghost catcher and setting it down. I harden my gaze at Rick as he continues, "And I don't know (Y/N). People would pay top dollar for that kind of breakthrough."

"Fuck! You know what, Rick?! That's enough! We're done! Done with these-these insane adventures! That was really traumatizing. We're done! Let's go, Morty." I rant off at Rick, hooking my arm around Morty. This has been going on way too long, with us not getting anything in return while we do Rick's dirty work.

"Wh-wh-what-! Come on! Morty, don't let her speak for you!" Rick trails behind, stopping Morty. "And for the record, the universe is a crazy chaotic place!"

"No Rick, she's right. You have been pulling us along on these crazy adventures that only slowly ruin our mental state. Adventures aren't just crazy and chaotic! They can be simple, and fun!" Morty retorts. Oh god, he isn't about to compromise with this prick, is he?

"Oh yeah, Morty- yea- tha-that's real easy for you to say from the sidekick's position- but-uhhh- how about next time you two be in charge. Then we'll talk about how simple and fun it is." Rick folds his arm, staring at Morty and then glaring at me. Morty's face begins to light up. I nudge him to not take the offer. If we plan an adventure, the only thing Rick will do is shit on it and probably ruin it.

Rick and Morty!.. And you, I guess. [F!Reader x Rick and Morty | Platonic]Where stories live. Discover now