Lawnmower Dog | S1E2

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Heading into the mind of Mr. Goldenfold to improve Morty's math grade.... Oh, and Jerry causes a dog takeover.

Season 1 Episode 2

Word Count- 6,497

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Morty and I hang out in our room. We sit in comfortable silence doing our own thing. We both jerked our heads up at the sound of Dad yelling.

"Morty..." I warn. He looks at me, then to the door.

"W-what if there is actually something wrong? Like something b-broke into the house and attacked Dad?" He retorts.

"Okay fine," I sigh, putting the book I was reading down. "but if it's not anything abnormal or crazy, you owe me twenty bucks."

"Deaaal." He groans. We quickly rushed downstairs to the living room. "What's wrong?" He asks Morty. Summer lounges on the couch, an early sign that nothing important is happening.

"Your idiot dog!" Dad exclaims.

"Aww, it's just Snuffles." I reach over to him, petting his soft white fur.

"Oh, he didn't mean it, Dad." Morty excuses, coming over to me, petting him also. "Did you, Snuffles? You're a good boy."

"Don't praise him now, Morty! He just peed on the carpet!" Dad separates us from Snuffles and pushes his nose into his piss spot. "Bad dog! Bad!" I go over to grab him back. Rick pulls Morty and me up by our arms.

"Kids, come on. I need your help tonight." He starts to drag us off.

"Hey, wait, hold on a second, Rick." Dad interrupts, standing up from his armchair. "You wouldn't by any chance have some sort of crazy science thing you could whip up that might help make this dog a little smarter, would you?"

"I thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior, Jerry. If I were you, I wouldn't pull that thread. Come on, kids." Rick drags us again. Dad grabs our other arms. Summer still ignores the situation.

"Listen, Rick, if you're gonna stay here rent-free and use my kids for your stupid science, the least you could do is put a little bit of it to use for the family. You make that dog smart, or the twins are grounded!" Dad tugs us both towards him.

"Aww, man." Morty and I groan. Rick glares at us for a brief moment for our synchronization. But why are we being roped into this?

"Ha-ha!" Summer calls out. Shut up Summer.

"Boy, you really got me up against a wall this time, Jerry." Rick leaves for the garage. I put my hand out for Morty as noises are heard from the garage.

"What?" He questions, rubbing the arm Rick was holding him with.

"You know what." I smirk. Morty sighs and reaches into his pocket, putting a twenty into my hand. "Good doin' business with ya." I put the bill away. Rick enters the room, a small helmet in hand. He puts it on top of Snuffles.

"All right, Ruffles. What's his name?" Rick asks.

"Snuffles." Morty corrects.

"Snuffles, shake." Snuffles does so and lifts a paw to Rick and shakes. "Rollover." He rolls over. "Go to the bathroom." Snuffles leaves the room, and a toilet flushes: he then returns. We all marvel in amazement. Now that is cool. Let's just hope his intelligence is limited to only tricks. "Yeah, you're at the top of your game now. Jerry. Have fun. Come on, kids." Rick drags us out of the living room. We walk into the garage.

"That was fantastic, Rick!" Morty beams.

"Yeah, imagine everything else he could do now." I nod along.

Rick and Morty!.. And you, I guess. [F!Reader x Rick and Morty | Platonic]Where stories live. Discover now