Pilot | S1E1

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Your first adventure.

Season 1, Episode 1

Word Count- 6,524

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The door bursts open, and my grandfather Rick stumbles over the frame. He drunkenly turns the lights on. My eyes strain with the bright light. Rick goes to my twin Morty's bed.

"Morty! You gotta, come on. You got-you gotta come with me." He turns over to a few feet away, now towering over my bed. "Y-you too."

"What's going on," I groan, "you reek."

"I got a surprise for you two."

"It's the middle of the night. What are you talking about?" Morty yawns, making Rick go back to his bed.

"Come on. I got a surprise." Rick drops his bottle on Morty's bed, spilling the alcohol on him. My sheets are smiling in relief right now. He grasps Morty's ankle before taking mine in the other hand, pulling each of us out of bed.

"Ow, what the fuck man!" I reach over, trying to get his hand.

"You're tugging us too hard!" Morty whines.

"Come on, we gotta go, gotta get out of here, come on. Got a surprise for you too." Rick rambles, pulling us down the stairs.

He brings us to the garage and hurries us into a ship-car-thing. It's like an egg car that, I assume, can fly. No, more like an alien saucer, but an alien didn't make it. Morty and Rick sat in the front while I sat in a third seat in the back. Morty and I stare at each other as Rick flies off. I sit up in my seat to be in the middle.

"What do you think of this-flying vehicle, k-kids? I built it outta stuff I found in the garage."

"Yeah, Rick. I-It's great. Is this the surprise?" Morty asks.

"Morty. I had to-I had to do it. I had-I had to-I had to make a bomb, Morty. I had to create a bomb." Rick explains, throwing up his new alcohol bottle around. I back up, some of it splashing on me. I grimace as I sit back again, trying to wipe it off. The mess distracts me from what he was saying.

"What?! A bomb?!" Morty exclaims. Wait, a bomb?

"We're gonna drop it down there and just get a whole fresh start, Morty. Create a whole, fresh start." Wait, what is he talking about? Oh, shit a bomb.

"You can't just end humanity!" I sit further up, facing Rick.

"T-t-that's absolutely crazy!" Morty shrieks.

"Come on, Morty. Just take it easy, Morty. It's gonna be good. Right now, we're gonna go pick up your little friend Jessica." I groan at the mention of her name. Jessica is the girl Morty drools over. Out of all of the girls, Jessica is the most basic and shallow one. It's kind of mean but, I'm glad she hasn't even glanced his way. That relationship will blow up in his face. Why is he bringing her up now?

"Jessica? From my math class?" Rick leans over, wrapping his arm around Morty. He takes a swig from his bottle.

"When I drop the bomb, you know, I want you to have somebody, you know? I want you to have the thing. I'm gonna make it like a new Adam and Eve, and you're gonna be Adam." Morty whimpers under Rick uncomfortably. "And Jessica's gonna be Eve."

"Hey! What about me?! I can't just be alone then!" I protest, sitting up. If the world's going to end I might as well benefit too.

"Y-yeah, y-you're right. Let's go pick up, touhhh, what's her name?"

"You're talking about Olivia?" I ask incredulously, I mean yeah I used to have a crush on her until I blew it completely in the 8th grade. "You can't bring her! She hates me."

Rick and Morty!.. And you, I guess. [F!Reader x Rick and Morty | Platonic]Where stories live. Discover now