Like Daughter, Like Father.

Start from the beginning

Alastor: Oh, Quite a talent this gal is. Ho ho, you should've seen her in her heyday. 

Mimzy: Hey! Watch it, tall, dark, and creepy. I'm still in my prime. Oh...Oh, my stars. 

Mimzy looked and saw Lucifer in the Hotel. 

Mimzy: Is...Is that Lucifer!?

Y/N: The one and only. 

Mimzy: Move it!

Mimzy had to make a good impression so she pushed everyone out of the way for her to curtsy in front of her. 

Mimzy: Pleased to meet you, Your Highness. Alastor, you gotta warn a gal when she's in mixed company.

Lucifer Morningstar: Charmed, I'm sure.

Alastor: As much as I love to catch up, Charlie and I have a tour to continue. 

Lucfier insisted by pushing his daughter away from Alastor. 

Lucifer Morningstar: I'm sure Charlie can show me around. 

Alastor wasn't going to let Lucifer go with Charlie alone so he stopped him. 

Alastor: Nonsense. We started the hotel, we'll show it off together. Right, Charlie. 

Charlie: Oh. right. You guys just stay here, Vaggie and I can handle Dad. 

Alastor: Mimzy, why don't you let the others help settle you in and I'll be back before you know it. 

Mimzy smiled with an innocent grin and Alastor went off to show the king the hotel with Charlie and Vaggie. 

Angel Dust: How come you're not going with them? 

Y/N: Bodyguard, remember? I'll join them later. 

Mimzy: Yo, bodyguard. Where can a girl get a drink around here? 

Y/N: At the bar, Mimzy.

Husk: (growls) 

Mimzy then saw a familiar face. 

Mimzy: My oh my, is that Husker!? I see Alastor still has you slinging hooch. (chuckles) Classic. How have ya been, furball? 

Husk then gave Mimzy a forced smile. 

Husk: Good...until five minutes ago.    

Mimzy: Oh, don't tell me you're not happy to see me. You might hurt my feelings.

Y/N: So...You know Alastor, Husk, and Niffty? 

Mimzy: Oh, yeah. We all go way back. Done a lot of shenanigans together. So Niffty, whatcha been up to? 

Niffty: Fighting bugs. 

Mimzy: And uh...How's that working out for you? 

Niffty: They're winning...


Niffty: But not for long.

Niffty: But not for long

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