A Night to Remember (🍋LEMON🍋)

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Y/N looked at Charlie and Vaggie with a flustered expression as she saw them seductive. Vaggie went for the stomach while Charlie moved up and cupped Y/N's cheeks with her hands, making her look at her. 

Charlie: Well, do you want to do something else, or do you want this?~

Y/N then took a moment to process what was happening and then smiled. 

Y/N: I guess I can get used to this.~

The two smiled evilly as they smashed their lips together, making out primally. 

Charlie/Y/N: (moaning)~

Vaggie heard Charlie and Y/N making out from above and wanted to join in, but luckily, Charlie and Y/N's hands slithered down and urged her to come up to join in. Soon, the girls took turns giving each other kisses. 

Y/N/Charlie/Vaggie: (moaning, kissing)~

Charlie then moved to be behind Y/N while Vaggie took over Y/N's frontal side. Vaggie then got to rest on Y/N's lap, making Charlie find it hot that Vaggie and Y/N were making out in front of her. Their tongues swirled around each other, tasting the other while they hugged each other with their arms traveling their backs.

Vaggie/Y/N: (moaning, kissing)~

Charlie then sat behind Y/N and then bared her sharp teeth. 


Y/N: AH!

Vaggie kept Y/N busy as Charlie went and seductively bit Y/N on the shoulder while having her breasts traverse to her chest and grab her breasts. 

Charlie: (moaning)~

Y/N then pushed forward and had Vaggie pinned down on the bed with Charlie and Y/N on top. Vaggie looked up to see Y/N and Charlie looking back with evil smiles. 

Vaggie: Um..There's something in the way, Y/N.~

Charlie: Just keep her distracted, Vaggie. I got her.~

Y/N let Charlie strip her of her clothes as she went back to making out with Vaggie. As she pulled off Y/N's shirt she went to lick her back, making Y/N feel her tongue slither down.

Y/N: Ah...Charlie...~

Charlie: (moaning)~

Y/N then gave the same affection to Vaggie. She went to lick Vaggie's shoulder...

Y/N: (moaning, purring)~

Vaggie: (moans in pleasure) Y/N...~

While grabbing hold of Vaggie's breasts. She seductively played with them while caring for Vaggie's needs. Charlie then went back to Y/N's level and whispered into her ear.

Charlie: Arms up...~

While making out, Y/N and Vaggie had their arms up so Charlie could pull off Y/N's shirt. She then went back to bite on Y/N's neck once more, making the girls all moan in pleasure and unison. 

Charlie/Vaggie/Y/N: (moaning)~

Y/N then went to be seductive as she had her tail caress Charlie's back while grabbing for Vaggie's bra at the same time. 

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