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Hey there everyone!!!! I hope you are doing well , so here's the new chapter of the story.
Anyways I'm disappointed in you all as the target is not completed again!!!
But I still want to thank everyone who has voted and commented on the previous chapters. It's your support that always motivates me to write the next chapter.

I hope you will complete the target this week.


Adrian's pov:

The next day I woke up at my usual time and followed my usual routine.
Since I decided not to go to the office till Hazel is fine. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to work, so I went to my home office and started to work.

Sometime later I heard a knock and the servant came in and said " Sir, mam is not eating her breakfast. She's saying she's not hungry."

"You take her breakfast in the room, I'm coming." I said, I can't understand what kind of problem she has with breakfast.

I went to her room, and her her saying to the same lady (servant) "Uff why would you tell him that?" In a cute voice.

"Tell me what?" I said

"Nothing, why are you not in your office?" She asked me to change the topic instantly.

"Do you not want me here, Mrs. Russo?" I said with little mischief and told the lady to leave.

", it's not like that." She said with wide eyes while stammering. I really wanted to laugh at her cute antics.

"So, would you like to tell me why you are not having your breakfast?" I asked her as I sat in front of her with a food tray in my hand.

She eyed the food and made a face. Seeing her reaction a chuckle left my mouth.

"You don't like it, do you?" I asked her

She smiled sheepishly before answering "It's not like that, it's just......." She paused looking here and there searching for the right words to say but then sighed and said "yes, I don't like veggies." She looked at me and started again "but.....we can have burgers if you want."

Burgers? Really? In breakfast? This girl.

"You want to have burgers for breakfast?" I asked with amusement

"Yes, I've been craving them since last night." She said shyly.

I don't know why I'm feeling this but I think if this girl dared to say PLEASE I'll do anything she asks.
" Of course we can but first you have to eat these, only after that you'll get burgers." I said and she suddenly made a face.

So I leaned towards her, reached near her ear and whispered "Well, if you want I can feed you with my own hands. So, tell me Mrs Russo do you want to be fed." I got back into my previous position and looked at her.

Her eyes widened and she turned into a tomato. That's cute. Seeing her like that a smirk tugged at my lips. Without looking at me she hurriedly started to eat breakfast.

Seeing her like that a chuckle left me left my mouth.

Suddenly my phone rang and I left the room to attend it. It was Nick

"What is it?" I asked .

N: Boss someone destroyed our shipment a few hours ago.


N: They planted explosives on the coast.

A: Who was it?

N: Lucas Agosti.

A: "the fuck! How did he know about the shipment." He growled in anger.

N: "I know you want to work from home because of Hazel, but we need you here ACE. Or else that motherfucker will think we are scared."

A: "Okay, I'll be there." And he hangs the call.

He made his way towards his room and told Hazel,
"There is some emergency in the office so I'm going okay. And you have to go to the doctor's today, The driver will take you and eat your meals on time, I'll order burgers for dinner okay. I'll be back in a few hours."

With that he left, for the office while driving he wasn't getting a good feeling about Hazel being alone at the hospital, there was something unsettling about it. But he ignored it and focused on reaching the office.

Hazel's pov:

I saw his car leaving, from behind the curtain.
There was a smile tugged on my lips recalling our interaction. How suddenly everything has changed in a good way. He is showing interest in me and trying to fix things. It is making me happy. He is making me happy.

After half an hour I got ready and left for the hospital.

At hospital -

I entered the doctor's office, and he asked me a couple of questions about how I'm feeling? Is there any pain. And many more.
Around 30 minutes later I got out of his office and he prescribed some new medication. The driver asked me to wait as he would bring the medicines. I told him that I will wait in the car

As I was going through the hallway, suddenly a chill ran down my spine it was like someone was watching me, I turned around to see if there was anyone, but I couldn't see anyone other than nurses and some patients no one seemed suspicious to me.
But the feeling that someone was watching me was creeping me out so I started walking fast. I almost ran towards the car in the end.
I tried to calm myself during the whole ride home.

By the time we reached home I was calm and composed, but I couldn't get rid of that unsettling feeling.

I entered the mansion, and my stomach dropped at the sight in front of me. I stopped in my tracks I couldn't decipher why he was here after what he had done to me. He destroyed my life and killed my dreams.

I took a step forward and he turned around to look at me.

"Hazel, how are you my baby girl." He said with tears in his eyes.

"What do you want father?" I said in a trembling voice. Seeing him brings back every single memory of what he had done to me.

"I need your help." He said looking at me.

Help? What is he talking about? He never asks for help. What kind of help does he want? Why is he here? Oh god I'm having a headache. I have a really bad feeling about this. Even though every single cell in my body was telling me to run back to my room and to not open the door until Adrian comes home. I still asked in a scared voice. "What kind of help?"

Okay, so how was the chapter??
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