Chapter 18

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Hii everyone!!! I hope you are doing well. So here is the new chapter ot the story. I hope you like it.

Seriously!! 😒 Are guys even trying to complete the target? I'm kind of disappointed really. It was a small target and you guys didn't even complete that. Anyways I'm really grateful for the people who voted and commented it made me feel happy.



Happy reading 🫶

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him, taking my back from his, because I possibly cannot take it anymore. I want to know, No, I need to know.

He looked at me as he did not understand the question.

"Why are you doing this? why now?"I asked again but this time indicating my hand between him and me so that he can understand what I am asking. Because at this point his behaviour was concerning me. The man who doesn't want to do anything with me from the last 5 months just popped out of nowhere in my life and acting like everything is okay between us and we're friends.

"Do you not want this?" He asked me as a few was studying my face for any expression or answer but I put on my emotionless face which didn't give any expression or answers.

"Does it matter?" I question him again and he was looking at me as a trying to understand what's going on in my head.

"Doesn't it?" He asked me again.

"I wanted this. No, I needed this five months ago when you got married. Of course, I did not think everything would be so happy and lovely in our marriage but yes, I really hoped that at least you would accept me as your wife, at least you would try to adjust with the fact that we're married. But what did you do? You left me and never looked back. And now you came back as if  nothing has happened, as if you never abandoned me for 5 months." I closed  my eyes, took a deep breath and looked at him again.

"Yes I wanted this. But not anymore. I have come to terms with you not being in my life or the fact that I am going to be alone. I don't care. I am content with whatever I have right now and I don't want to............. I don't want to be a part of any other deal you might having or whatever it is." I said and closed my eyes because I was on the verge of breaking down and I don't want him to see me this vulnerable, I don't want him to know that I hate being alone.

A few minutes later I opened my eyes and I saw him standing right where he was he was looking at meaning like he wanted to say something but he didn't..... he didn't say anything he stepped back and moved towards the door.

He turned around inside "I'm  gonna check the paper work of your release."

And he left. And I sat there recalling everything that I have said today, to him. That was the longest we have ever talked. Tears gathered in my eyes and I was not able to control them anymore, so I let them fall. One after another damping my cheeks falling on my hands. And  just like that I started to think when or where everything went wrong? Life used to be so simple. How did it get so complicated? Why just me?  Why can't I just have simple and happy life for once.

A few minutes later the door opened and Adrian walked in, without looking at me he said "let's go people workers done and they released you."

I replied "okay" My voice was raspy because of all the crying. As soon as he heard my voice he looked at me and in three long strides he approached me and took my hands in his and asked "Hey! are you okay? What happened? Why are you crying? Does it hurt somewhere?"

"Yeah. I am good. You don't have to concern yourself with me." I said as I snatched my hands back from his. I tried to stand and he gave me a hand because I was not able to walk properly and I didn't say anything about it, I was quite so was he. We get into his car and the whole ride was filled without very loud silence.

When we reached the mansion, he took me into his room and when I was comfortable in bed he left without saying anything, a few minutes later a maid came in and told me that Adrian sent her if I need anything I should call her as she was right outside the door.

About half an hour later I fell asleep. I didn't know for how long I slept but when I woke up it was dark outside so I got up from the bed with some support from the side table and I went to the bathroom I rinse my face and then came out.
When I came out of the bathroom I saw a Adrian standing in the room with the food tray. I sat on the bed and he gave me the food tray I started eating as I was hungry and he settled besides the bed on the chair. None of us talked it was too quiet.

After few minutes I finished my food he took the tray from me at put it on the side table and took out my medicine. He gave me my medicines I gulp them down. Then he said " Why do you think that me being here is part of some kind of deal?" I looked at him and found him staring at me already.

I took a deep breath and replied " You tell me. Isn't it?..... a part of a deal" I stopped and looked at him then start again
"Everything about this marriage is a deal your grandfather literally forced me or should I say blackmailed me into marrying you none of us wanted this. It was an unwanted marriage and in these last 5 months I realised that you don't want this marriage it is if you did you put up in here all this time."

"So here I am asking you again one Last time what changed? Why now?"I asked and look that him.

"I am at fault here and I accept that, but in the passage of these five months I realise that I was wrong, that I should be here with you. Forced or not we got married you are my wife, and I apologize that it took me so long to realise that.
I know one day or one apology would not make up for the 5 months I left you alone but I really want to give this....... give us a chance...... I don't know how relationships work, but still I want to give this marriage a chance. Are you willing to do this? Are you willing to give me a chance to make everything up to you?" he asked me in very honest way I know he is not lying I don't know how but yes.... I do don't he is not lying.

I look at him tears gathered in my eyes I don't know why suddenly I feel like crying but I did not. I controlled my emotions and said "you are right one apology or one day would not make up for this, and it is going to take some time for me to trust you. I cannot just act like everything is just fine. I need some time."

"I will give you all the time you need. And I promise you that you are going to trust me, that you will yourself say that you want to give this marriage a chance." he said confidently with a soft expression.

"Now you need to rest, you must be exhausted. And if you need anything just tell me I am right beside you." He said and turned off the light I tried to sleep but I couldn't. It can be because I was sleeping throughout the day or maybe it was because of everything he confessed today. I cannot believe he is willing to give this wedding a chance. I am happy.

Soooo, what do you think? Did you like his confession...?
And our villain is going to make an entrance soon. So beautiful ready because the story is starting to get entertaining....


You guys can do this atleast.... I mean we reached 1.5K+ views on the book...🥲
Bye-byeeee 🫶

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