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Hey guys!! I hope you're doing well. So here's the new chapter. I hope you like it.
Happy reading 🫶...

My heart skipped a beat, the moment I laid my eyes on her in the wedding dress, she was looking ethereal, just like a goddess.
I couldn't move my eyes from her as she walked through  the aisle. I gave her my hand and she held it after a little hesitation.
But something's not right.... she's not looking at me, why? Ughhh why the hell this is bothering me
"Eyes here bella" I ordered her as I couldn't resist. She looked at me and my heart skipped many beats again.
I was looking at her and admiring the beauty in front of me, when Stephen walked with rings.
We took the rings. And priest asked us for the vows. I didn't thought of that before, so I shook my head as I didn't prepare any and I thought she didn't as well.
But then I heard the honey voice...

"I take you to be my partner for life
I promise above all else to live in truth with you.
I give you my hand and my trust
As a sanctuary of warmth and peace
And I pledge my faith, devotion and honour as I join my life to yours.

May you never steal, lie, cheat and drink.
But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, then lie with me all the nights of my life. And if you must cheat, then please...cheat death. And if you must drink, then drink the moments that take your breath away.

I promise to be faithful and supportive and to always make our family's love and happiness my first priority. I will be with you in plenty and in want, in sickness and health, in failure and in triumph. I will walk with you through every hardship we face in our life.

With my whole heart, I take you as my husband, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do mine."

I listened to her every word and felt my heart beat gets faster and that fluttery feeling.
Fuck I should stay away from her.

We exchanged rings and then I kissed her near her lips.
When I looked at her in the eyes again, she was hurt. But why??

Hazel's POV:

After the ceremony ended we got into his car. We are sitting quietly, not talking to each other, and I was bored. I was looking out of the window while he was busy on his phone, doing I don't know what.
My mind drifted towards how I always wanted a husband who will love me, care for me, and protect me from the world and myself. A husband who will always stand by my side no matter what, who will get happy when I'm happy and get sad when I'm sad, the one who will understand me, and give me his shoulder whenever I cry, the one who will give me sweet forehead kisses and cuddles me to sleep.
But fate is so cruel and unfair.
My husband doesn't love me, he hates me. He hates me so much that he didn't even kissed me in the lips on our wedding, which just show that this marriage doesn't mean anything to him.
Suddenly the came to a halt and I realised the we are at the mansion.
Both of us got out of the car and walked inside the mansion. As we entered he called one of the female servants and said "Take her to my room." And I looked at him with wide eyes. And he left without even looking at me.
The made look that me with pity in her eyes, and took me to his room.
Entered the room I closed the door instantly. And let all the tears I've been holding for a while to run freely down my cheeks. I slide down by the door and sit on the floor, thinking how my husband left me alone on the first night of our wedding. It's like he hates me so much and I feel so unwanted in this relationship I really want to give it a chance but I don't know how, if he is giving me a cold shoulder. I don't know for how long I tried but by the time I stopped crying my head was throbbing with slight pain. It was then when I looked at his room it was beautiful. Painted in dark shades of grey and black.
The room was quite spacious and decorated very beautifully with minimalist lighting.
As I looked around the room I found three doors. And I decided to see what's behind them. As I opened the first door, a gasp left my mouth, I found a beautiful bathroom which was also themed in dark shades of grey and black, there was a beautiful bathtub in one side and a washbasin with a huge mirror on the other side behind the bathtub there was a shower with the glass wall around it.

 As I opened the first door, a gasp left my mouth, I found a beautiful bathroom which was also themed in dark shades of grey and black, there was a beautiful bathtub in one side and a washbasin with a huge mirror on the other side behind the batht...

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I got out of the bathroom and started walking towards the second door. As I opened the second door and found a large walk in closet as I was walking around the closet, I saw my stuff was there already so I decided to change my wedding dress.
I took out of t-shirt and my cute pages from my suitcase and change to them.
After changing I decided to explore a little more so I entered the third door and found a gorgeous looking balcony with a die Hard view.
I sat in the balcony for sometime.

After sometime I decided to sleep and I got back into the room and lie down on the bed

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After sometime I decided to sleep and I got back into the room and lie down on the bed. I was so tired throughout the day so I slept in just a few minutes.

Okay so what you think !!!!?
Well Adrian was thinking about his unwanted bride a little too much🤭
Tell me in The comments.
And please do vote.
Thank you 😊

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