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Heyy guys!! I hope you are doing well. So here is the new chapter. I decided  to post early so maybe you will vote or comment. There's a little time gap in this chapter. And a little glimpse of what kind of bond Hazel, Stella and Stephen share.

Happy reading 🫶

Days passed in a blur. Hazel was getting married to Adrian in two days. She hasn't seen him in days, he always comes late and leaves early in the morning. She was in her room lost in her thoughts when suddenly someone barged in. It was Stephen and Stella. Or should I say a very furious Stella and Stephen.
Yes, I haven't told them about the wedding but Nicolas did. And now they're here...

"Why are you doing this?" Stella asked with tears in her eyes and Steph was looking at me with so much concern.
"You don't even love him. Please don't do this don't destroy your life. You've been through enough in your life. What you deserve is someone who loves you with his all heart, not someone who don't even recognise your existence." Stella said while holding my hand.

Author's pov:

While the three friends were talking, someone was listening to their every conversation and waiting for Hazel's answer to Stella.

"Yes Hazel you can tell us if you don't want to get married, we'll help you out. I'll talk to Nick he might help us." Said Stephen.

" You know I love you guys so much right? Well I'm not marrying without my consent, I said yes after thinking about it. And believe ve while I say I want to give this marriage a chance." Hazel said with tears in her eyes.

" I might never get over what my father did to me. But the moment he left me here I cut all the ties with him." She took a deep breath and continued
"I don't have anyone except you guys. And I love you both so much but sometimes I crave for a family, to have someone whom I can call mine, for whom I will wait for, a person who will care for me, who will take care of me when I'm sick. The one who will not beat me up when I want something that I need."
"I know he doesn't love me or maybe he never will and I will never  force him to love me, I can live without love Stella but I cannot live without having a family." Hazel said while sobbing.

After hearing this that person retreated to his room confused.

     ***********End of author's pov************

When I finished talking Stella hugged me so hard she was crying so I am.

"Don't forget  me." Steph said with a pout and we both chuckled.
"Come here." I said and engulfed him in a group hug.
"That's not fair, You're getting married in two days. I will miss you baby." Says Stella breaking the hug. I laughed at her puppy face "You can always come to meet me idiot." I said.
"Hazel let's go shopping." Stella said with a chirpy voice. "I mean you're getting married we have to do a lot of shopping. Let's go the mall, then we'll go to a restaurant and have dinner and we'll gossip like we used to do in freshmen years" she said.
"It's not a bad Idea you know. Let's go" I told her.

We are standing in front of the mall. Nick is also with us due to security purposes.
We entered the mall and Stella dragged me and Steph into women section she make me buy so many dresses on the name of my wedding, I mean girl I'm gonna one dress on my wedding day. She bought a dress for herself too and believe me she was looking so pretty in that dress. I told Steph to buy a tux and all three of us mutually bought a suit fo Nick as he was adamant not buying anything.

Few hours later when we're done with shopping we went to a restaurant and Steph ordered for us. On the way home I told Steph to get icecreams and we ate my favourite icecream.
When I got back I was so tired and went to sleep after changing into my night suit.

Okay so that's it for today. And do tell what you think about this chapter.
And please know that every single vote and comment means so much to me.
I'm a new writer, so maybe I'm not good enough with my writing and imagination but I'm trying my best.
So please do share my story with your reader friends.
Thank you
Bye-byeeee 🫶

The Unwanted Marriage Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora