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Soon they reached at hospital. Jungkook come out from car and tae also come out.

" Tae You go with the goons and get them treated while I take care of the children after I will come there. Okay." Jungkook said and tae nodded and take goons inside with him. 

" Hey site there on benches and don't even try to run away, I will go and call the doctor." Tae said while pointing towards benches and all goons sit there silently and tae go and call doctor.

"OMG The entire face map has changed, nurse give me cotton." A internship boy came and checking them and said. "I can't tolerate it, I can't bear it." Goons leader said. That boy looking at him and said. "you guys had a fight with each other. " Internship boy asked him. "No doctor, a scoundrel came and made us in this condition. " Tha goon said "he must also be a goon." He asked again. " no he was a policeman."goon said. "Have you run away from the police?huh. " The boy asked again while seriously.

"No, a policeman brought us here." Goon said "Where is that policeman?" Boy said angrily. "there he is." Goon said while pointing his finger towards taehyung who talking on phone.

" Excuse me sir." Doctor called him but tae not heard him. He get irritated and called him loudly. "Hey thin and dry like man." He called. "Who witch is screaming." Tae said and turned back and walk near them.  "Hey nurse is the treatment done?" Tae said while walking near and stand infront him. " Excuse me I am a doctor not a nurse." Doctor said. "So I too am a policeman, not a skinny dry man." Tae said back. "You beat them all." He asked to tae. "not I who beat them it was my sir." Tae said proudly while looking at doctor. Doctor get Frustrated. "Then call that sir here." He said angrily. "I will call him right now, wait here." Tae said and left from there to call Jungkook. Tae walking downstairs and jungkook walking upstairs. Both meet in middle. " Yeah tae go and look childrens." Jungkook said.  " Okay and doctor calling you." Tae said while looking at him. Jungkook confused.
" Why hasn't anyone died? Okay I am going you go to childrens." Jungkook said and walk upstairs. "Okay" tae said and walk downstairs.

Jungkook reached up and looking hare and there and then his eyes fall on them and then doctor. He frozen for some seconds because he see his angle. And then doctor looking up at Jungkook. " Hold it." Doctor said to goon leader and walk near jungkook seriously. He stand infront jungkook and looking in his eyes. Jungkook come back in his deep thought and clear his throat. " Yes doctor you called me." Jungkook asked him.
" Removed Your sunglasses" he said seriously and jungkook remove without saying anything. "You beat them all." Doctor asked. Jungkook hummed in yes while looking at doctor.

Doctor get little angry how can jungkook said yes normally. "Because you are a policeman, will you beat anyone?huh." He said angrily and looking at Jungkook but jungkook said nothing and stand there and listening him and let him talk what he wants to said.

"How can you beat anyone like this? You have learned that not everyone has the same blood group but everyone has the right to live. Okay, leave all that aside, you must be aware of the value of bones, right? Do you know how painful it is if a bone is broken? It takes up to four months for the bones to join together. Till then, how much pain does the patient suffer while walking, getting up and going to work, taking care of even the smallest things. He has to be taken care of like a child 24 hours a day" doctor said angrily and looking at Jungkook while irritated.

Jungkook look at him. "If all this happens to a child who has no one to take care of him." Jungkook said while looking at him. "i don't understand" the doctor said "This goon makes a seven-year-old child break one of his legs and beg for money by pretending to be lame." Jungkook said and boy shocked. "A little ten-year-old girl is blinded in one eye and forced to beg by these goons. These goons kidnap all the children and force them to beg on roads and traffic signals and earn money. they should be killed That's why I beat them I did everything right and I will not even say sorry." Jungkook said while fixing his shirt and sleeve.

The boy standing there and he feeling guilty because he not know anything about matter and without thinking he scold the police man. He than go back to goons leader take cotton in his Hand and start doing his work harriedly thats make that man screaming lowly in pain. "It's hurting, bear it." Doctor asked and then angrily said last line. Just then there taehyung cames with that poor kids who are now free from their hell. "Sir everyone are fine now." Tae said and jungkook come near kids and seat infront them and crossing their head.

" Uncle you said you will send me school for study you really send me." A boy said who meet him on traffic signal. Jungkook smiled and nodded and that boy's sister come and hold jungkook Hand and look at him with teared fill eyes. Doctor boy also looking at them with emotionally.
" Uncle I can't believe that we are free now. You are our super hero, thank you so much uncle." She cry while saying. " I and my brother, we don't know who is our perents we never see them. But you are only our perent, only family thank you so much." She said and hugged jungkook tightly and our kids Also hugging him. Doctor eyes also filled with tears and taehyung. Jungkook hugging kids with emotional and one tears rolled down.

They pulled back from hugg. And jungkook smiled looking at them. Doctor also looking at them emotionally. " Taehyung bring all kids in kids care. I will meet them tomorrow hmm." Jungkook said while looking at kids. " Okay sir." Tae said.
" Byy byy uncle." All kids said together and waving hand towards jungkook. Jungkook smile and wave his hand back. Jungkook stand up and then he look at doctor. And doctor already looking at him and smiling jungkook confused and move his head like asking what. " Oo hmm nothing." Doctor said and looking away. " Hmm It's very sunny here, wear your sunglasses." Doctor said while smiling widely. Jungkook wear his glasses and then look at doctor. "Hmm are you married." Dr asked and Jungkook moved his head as no. " Hmm aa have a girl friend or boyfriend." Dr asked will hoping that jungkook will said no. " No fully single." Jungkook said while fake sadly "hmm then everything is fine now." Doctor said while looking at him and smiled and jungkook smiled.

" Park." Someone called the doctor. He looked back and said yes. "Senior  Dr. Kim seokjin is calling us common let's go." He is his friend. Then he look at jungkook and then said. "Okay byy." He said and start walking. " Hey listen, everything is fine is okay but, now tell me the time to meet." Jungkook asked while smirked. Doctor looked towards jungkook. "I will be free at seven o'clock, and then I will tell you the rest later. " Dr said and smiled. "tonight at seven o'clock, my favorite number is " jungkook said and Dr leave while smiling widely and jungkook also leave for his work.

To be continued.......

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