.'𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙤𝙨, 𝘼𝙗𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙪𝙩𝙚 𝘾𝙃𝘼𝙊𝙎.'.

ابدأ من البداية

The other 3 stared in disgust.  "Lost My appetite."Mya said straight-out. Sgt. rudo nodded, karis now wasnt eating her food as fast anymore.. Which might've meant she might have been going through the same thing mya and sgt. Rudo was now, which was disgust.  "He Needs house training." Karis said through a mouthful of food. "He's In serious need of house training..." Mya added, sgt. Rudo just stared at Julian in shock. "I'm considering doing rock paper scissors now." Julian said, karis just blinked in annoyance. "....." Mya was silent. "Alright. 3 rounds, 3 rounds and we'll be back on the move." Mya said, standing up to walk over to Julian and Karis. "Is it a 3 duel?" Julian asked. Karis stared in confusion. "Julian, what is that supposed to mean?!" Karis said. Julian laughed at Karis's scared expression, "Kar- KARIS! You're, YOUR PFFT YOUR FACE BAHAHAHA" JUlian pointed and threw his head back and laughed obnoxiously, the 3 turned to each other, confused. "Any chance y'all know what he means?" Karis asked Sgt. rudo and Mya, but the two shook their heads. "I Hardly understand what that boy says or means most of the time." Mya said, scoffing in disbelief. Karis snickered. Julian stopped  laughing. "Okay, I made it up... Don't judge me! It's amazing! Okay, so like... 3 people all play a round at once.. Like, for example. Me, you and mya would  all play against each other at once!" Julian explained nervously to Karis, everyone... Sgt. rudo, Karis and mya stared at him... very confused. "Dude, I- That literally made NO sense at all." Mya said. JUlian crossed his arms and pouted. "YOU DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE!" Julian shot back a horrible insult, Mya squeezed down a laugh. "Okay." Mya said, still smirking. "But now, let's find kennon.. PLEASE." Mya said, her  light-hearted expression immediately shifting into a serious one, the other two nodded. And soon, the 3 continued their journey.






W/ kennon:

No One's Pov:

"Okay.. On 3." Kennon said, taking a hold of the jar on the baby capybara's head. "1.." Kennon said, inhaling. "2...." Kennon held his breath. "3!!!" Kennone Exhaled and pulled on the jar, the baby capybara squirmed backwards, while kennon tugged forward. Soon, the jar popped off. Causing kennon to crash back into the wall. "UGH!-"  Kennon  exclaimed, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, that was intense. Wasn't It, Buddy?" Kennon said to the baby capybara that stood across the room. "You okay?" Kennon asked, seeing how the baby seemed a bit distant  now. Kennon staggered up and walked towards the little. The baby crouched to the floor, as if in a submissive pose. "Sorry If I broke your trust, Little One." Kennon murmured softly, stroking the Baby's back.  "What should I name you?" Kennon said, the baby capybara flicked its ears towards Kennon's direction.. As if it was listening. "Keegan? No... Dirk? Nah... Boyd? Don't think so... Wait, I think you're a boy right?" Kennon said to the baby capybara. "Oh, Silly me... You're a girl! Anyways, How About... Daisy?"  Kennon suggested, the baby capybara pressed its side against Kennon's shins. "Daisy may be a Little unoriginal.. But it's fitting, you're sweet... pleasant, like a Daisy!" Kennon exclaimed, picking the baby capybara up. "Daisy It is... Hello, Daisy."

To Be continued.

Word count: 1205

A/N: Thanks For reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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