Shatter-What Now?!

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Suetonious gave a hesitant look, "It seemed impossible, but a mystical force arrived from the East and banished them beyond all the realms forever. The Five's discoveries, teachings, and even their language have been banned for centuries. If Ras can unlock their secrets and then enact the Ritual of the Blood Moon-"

"He could bring them back." Both my brother and I spoke in unison.


The Master Writer gave a nod in response. Wyldfyre broke the silence, "Why is everyone so serious? This is simple." She smiled, walking up to the Master Writer, "We just stop Ras before he even knows we're here."

"3...2...1," I gave a countdown, "Might be too late for that," Sora looked at the Wolf Masks that found us.

"I knew it..." I grumbled, preparing to take out my weapon before I saw my vision again.



"Adam, no!"


"Mother...? Father...?"


I quickly shook my head, 'Not again...Maybe I do have insomnia...' I thought.

Looking at my brother, I noticed how his breath quickened, "Lloyd..." I held his hand, "I'm right here." I told him softly.

My words did the trick as he relaxed, "Huff...! T-Thanks...I needed that."

"Anytime, baby brother," I replied.

"Ninja go!" Lloyd yelled, taking out his sword before taking down an enemy.

Wyldfyre landed on one of the Wolf Masked vigilantes, using her powers of heat to propel the others.

Arina and Sora kicked away their opponents before Riyu used his large body to push some away.

"Euphrasia! You and Suetonious head to safety!" I took out my buster sword, using my strength to create a wave of wind to push back the enemy, "We got this!" She nodded before Suetonious helped her to get out of the way.

"Try all you want, Ninja!" I heard a girl yell at us from above. It was someone from Imperium and Ras, "But you'll never be as powerful as us."

Sora protested against her words, "Are you not seeing this? We're kicking Wolf Mask butt!"

"Yeah, tell 'em, Sora!" I cheered her on, "You've got your facts all wrong, whoever you are." She added while I raised my fist in the air, "Seriously, she's owning this moment." I stated proud of my student.

"WHAT?!" The red-haired girl yelled in disbelief, "I'm Jordana, your nemesis. You've been dreading our next encounter."

"Huh?" Sora was still confused before remembered about her class in Imperium she took, "Oh, wait. Are you that girl who was in my class back in Imperium? Why are you way out here?"

I squinted my eyes at the supposed nemesis of my student, "Hmmm...Yeah, doesn't ring a bell on my end either...Usually, I would remember evil people like her...Maybe she's a background character that was brought back for recreational purposes."

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