Absolute Power

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It was the next morning and as said before, at the crack of dawn. Our group was to head back to Imperium to get the Dragon Core back from Dr. LaRow.

I finished dressing up by putting over-garments of my gi before picking up my spear to place it on the holster on my back.

"Well, looks like sleepy head decided to wake up finally!"

A small smile crept up my lips upon hearing the voice. I turned to see my husband: Cole, already dressed and ready to go.

"Well sorry, someone woke me up during an ungodly hour and I overslept because of him," I rolled my eyes at his teasing.

Cole only laughed before pulling me into a kiss, "Sorry about that, beautiful. I'll repay you with my love for you, though!"

I lightly hit his arm, "You've been doing that ever since we started dating, dummy," the two of us walked toward Adam's room.

"Huh..." He hummed before softly chuckling, "I guess I have!"

I opened the door to see a still sleeping Adam, "Adam, dear, wake up, please. We gotta get ready," I told my son who only grumbled in response.

"Mm...No...Five more hours..." he mumbled.

"Yep, he's your son alright," Cole gave a slight smirk making me only lightly shove him back.

"Shush you!" I playfully shushed Cole before turning back to my son.

I tried to softly rock him to get him to wake up, "No..." he mumbled.

"But I thought you wanted to go on a Ninja adventure?" I pretended to be sad that Adam wouldn't join us in the adventure.

Hearing that got him to perk up, "Huh? Mom..? Did you say adventure?"

"Yeah," I gave a dramatic sigh, "but since you won't join us I guess it's no use telling you. We were going to meet your uncles, too. Maybe even go kick some butt. But oh well," I started to walk towards the door.

"Wait! Mom! Wait for me! I'm joining!" Adam stopped me, before rushing to get washed up and dressed.

"Ah~ the old pretend to leave them behind when something awesome is about to happen trick. Smart," Cole chuckled when seeing our son hurry to get dressed.

"A mother always knows her child no matter the years they've been apart," I stated with a proud smile.

Cole smiled at that before hearing his son call out to him, "Dad...? A little help over here please?"

Adam was trying to get his shirt on but of course, the piece of clothing was proving to be difficult to tame.

"Sure, Adam," Cole held back a laugh and sauntered over to help his son.

Once Adam got ready, we went outside in the living room to see the group all accounted for.

"Sorry we took too long, this little guy's been a bit of a problem," Cole teased Adam, ruffling his hair.

Adam huffed, "That shirt was hard to put on...!"

"Sure it was," Cole snickered, not minding his son punching his arm.

"Meanie!" Adam pouted before latching to my right leg.

"There, there, sweetie," I softly rubbed my son's head. I turned to Cole with a slightly stern look, "Cole, lay off Adam, would you? You know how offended he could get."

"Yes, ma'am. Heard y'a loud and clear, my dear," Cole raised his hands in surrender.

Nya chuckled with a smile, "Someone's warmed up to the role 'mother' even more now."

Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The Guardian of Life (The Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now