I Will Be the Danger

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I smiled seeing a Light dragon, she went up to me and nuzzled up against my cheek, "You're welcome!"

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Called out Lloyd, "Yes, Lloyd?" I answered.

"I'm really glad you're my sister." He told me.

I grinned happily at that, all the things I've done for him and sacrificed has come to a good cause.

"And I'm glad you're my brother. And don't worry. It's all alright. I'm no longer angry at you. I understand your reason and have made peace with it." I held his hand to make sure my point is through.

"Thanks. Now why don't we get back at Inperium for hunting dragons and capturing you? I'm sure you've got a bunch of pent up stress." He smiled.

"Oh you know it!" I smirked preparing to fight the soldiers that had come to make us go to our cells.

"Make them! I dare you!" Dared Wyldfyre.

"Daring them? Look, we don't want to fight in these closed quarters." Lloyd tried to persuade Wyldfyre that we can't fight in these quarters since we'll only get in-prisoned again.

"Who said we don't want to fight?!" She argued.

"I have a fake ID as an Imperium Citizen. I might be able to talk our way out of this." Planned out Lloyd.

"She and the dragons are going to say no..." I muttered in the background.

"Talk? Barf. FIGHT!" She shouted running at the guards with the dragons.

"Told you so." I said to Lloyd.

"Okay. So impulse control isn't her thing." Muttered Lloyd.

"We can fly our way out of here I think, by pressing that button over there." I informed to  brother who went to activate the sunroof.

"Heads up!" I called out, throwing an Imperium soldier to the controls.

"Thank you." Lloyd thanked me, "We got a new way out!" Lloyd yelled to Wyldfyre.

The other designs with Heatwave and Wyldfyre went to the skies, "Heatwave! Go!"

"Come on, Lloyd!" I urged him, "Wait for me!" He jumped on the Light dragon we saved earlier.


"Ugh...I wish we could change out of these-" I was handed my Ninja Gi, "...clothes...You had them under your disguise didn't you?" I smiled knowingly.

"You know it! I'm sure you did the same, but you forgot your hood." Lloyd replied.

"Yep! Ah. Much better!" I sighed in relief before we ran amok in the streets of Imperium.

The dragons went to fly out of the city but that was a mistake, "No! The electro-barrier is still..." but it was too late, "uh, active. Ouch..." muttered Lloyd as we flinched seeing the dragons hit the barrier.

Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The Guardian of Life (The Sequel)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt