Land of Lost Things

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(With Shadow's POV.)

'Jesus...When they titled this place the "Land of Lost Things" they weren't kidding. All I need to do is find the Guardian of Light and then I'm done,' Shadow thought, walking through the lands of the Land of Lost Things.

A geyser erupted near them making a large gust of pressure and trash go all over the place.

"Great...More abandoned projects...LaRow really needs to build some sort of recycling facility!" Shadow was seen dodging the trash and using their supposed powers to move the debris away.

When it was done, Shadow kept on walking, "They shouldn't have gotten far. I should only be a few minutes away from them-" Shadow was cut off when they felt a tremor nearby start.

Once hearing some voices, Shadow immediately took cover from some debris and spied over the Ninja from a few feet away.

(Back to you!)

I looked at the rock golem in shock when it said my name.

'It must be Cole...! I'm sure of it!' I thought in my head.

"Nya...Sensei...why does this huge angry monster know your names?" Sora asked the Water Ninja and I.

Nya looked at the rock golem, "This monster is Cole. Well, sounds like Cole." She pointed to the rock monster before looking back, "Doesn't look like Cole."

Sora soon realized who she was talking about, "'Cole' Cole? As in the missing Earth Ninja? Hero of Shintaro?"

"Huh? Shintaro?" The golem asked before it soon lit up.

I landed next to Nya and Sora. The rock golem disassembled and there appeared...


I took off my hood and smiled, "Cole!" I ran up and lunged in his arms.

He caught me and spun me around happily, "Angel! Haha! What a surprise!"

"I missed you...So much...!" I hugged my husband after being part for years.

Cole smiled and hugged me back, "I missed you too, (Y/N)."

Cole wiped my tears, "You look better when you're not crying, Angel. Though, I appreciate you crying over me. Makes me feel special." He joked making me laugh and playfully hit his chest.

"Oh, shut up, you!" We both laughed before we separated but he held my hand in his.

"Cole!" Nya smiled and went to hug her friend, "I can't believe it!" She let go after a few moments.

Cole turned to Sora, "Wow. Someone's done her homework on me."

"Huh, my best friend's a Ninja super fan. He even got a Zane haircut once." Sora sheepishly spoke.

"Please tell me you're kidding," Cole pleaded with a judgy look.

"Pfft! It was hilarious!" I laughed a little.

Sora only smiled, "I wish I was," she then was confused about the new power Cole obtained, "But he never said you turn into a giant rock monster."

Cole smiled, "Yeah, well, that part's new."

"I wasn't sure we'd ever see you again!" Nya said, relieved they found another old friend on the team.

"We thought you were gone!" I added.

"Did you find the others?" Cole asked Nya and me, but we only showed some saddened faces.

"No yet." I answered, looking at Nya for a moment, "Jay is still missing. Plus Master Wu and Pixal." Nya replied.

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