The Mysterious Shadow

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Jiro landed somewhere in the Land of Lost Things making us all mount off of him. Cole helped Adam get off the dragon before holding his hand.

"I can walk on my own, Dad!" Adam huffed, not wanting to be babied.

"I know, but your mother and I agreed for you to come with us only if you're near the both of us or your aunt. It's a rule and it's staying as a rule until we say so," Cole gently explained to Adam why he needed to stay close to us.

"He's good at parenting, a bit too good," Nya whispered to me.

I smiled at that, "Yeah, he is," I soon remembered that I never got to properly spend time with my son because of the Merge, "I just wish I was able to see Adam grow up...It's a shame I missed 5 years of his life."

I felt someone hold my hand, making me look up from the ground for it to be Cole, "Love, it's not your fault. You're an amazing mother, you did the most difficult thing any mother would have nightmares of. You knew what was to happen and you took action to protect your family."

"Cole..." I was at a loss for words.

"When you gave me Adam and told me to protect him before the Merge started. I knew that you'd be ashamed of not being there for him as a mother. But I made sure for this little man to remember his mother. Even if she wasn't there with us for 5 years," Cole ruffled Adam's hair making him giggle, "Dad! Stop that!"

Nya gave me a small pat on the shoulder, "See? You had nothing to worry about," she smiled making me return it.

"I guess I was just worried. But I didn't have to. Knowing you, I know you took great care of our son," I smiled at Cole who grew a little flustered, "Aw, Angel. That's very nice of you to say."

"Dad, you're face is burning up. It looks weird," Adam told Cole who immediately shushed him, "Don't insult your father, Ad!"

Both Nya and I laughed at Adam's bluntness and straightforwardness, "Yep. He's my husband's son alright!" I cackled.

"Angel!" Cole lightly scolded before he too joined in the laughter with Adam.

After a small laugh session, we went back on the mission.

"Where did you find this?" Nya asked, pointing to some sort of portal gate.

"Geo grabs all this junk from the fields. Why?" Cole answered before being confused about why Nya and I were so adamant about it.

"It looks exactly like a piece of a Portal Gate. Specifically the Portal Gate back home in the Monastery," I added, making Nya agree with me with a nod.

Cole only looked back at the piece of the so-called Portal Gate and then looked back at us, "A what now?"

Nya sighed, "There really is a lot we have to catch up on, Cole."

"She means a lot," I stated.

"Huh, guess we do," Cole chuckled before we kept on walking with Jiro behind us.

Another geyser appeared, luckily we weren't close enough to be hit by some trash or junk.

"Sora says she needs an 'influx stabilizer, preferably insulated,'" Nya stated, checking if it's underneath some junk.

"Okay, cool. I have no idea what that means," Cole truthfully spoke.

"Neither do I. But Sora's a genius when it comes to plans and machines. Might be even better than some of us in the technician department," I smiled before looking at Nya who held her hip.

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