Parker remembered grabbing one of the snowflakes in his fingers and staring at it in awe. Seeing something so small and so beautiful was mesmerizing. It made him feel, in a weird way, complete. Like things this small were supposed to exist – like he was supposed to be there.

It was a weird, momentary sensation and something Parker would remember for the rest of his life.


Hearing his name made him jump out of his skin. With his heart pounding, Parker realized he had been drawn into memories long since passed.

"Yes, momma?" he called back as he stepped out from behind the curtain. He saw his mom come into the bedroom with a cup of hot chocolate and a much smaller cup for him. He hurried down the ladder and waved to his mom to let her know where he was. She was bundled up in her stay-at-home robe, meaning that she was working from home today.

"There you are sweetie. I was trying not to wake you, but it looks like you were already up for school," said his mom. She handed him the small mug once he was settled at his desk. "Sorry. The school called this morning saying school was cancelled. I turned off the alarms, but it seems like you were already up."

"Yeah, I had to know what happened in the next chapter of Eragon," said Parker as he sniffled the hot chocolate in his mug. He played with the top of the marshmallow as it blipped beneath the chocolate, leaving little lines on its white surface.

"Oh? Is it a good book?" asked his mom. Parker knew she had already read through the book once before, but she refused to talk about it in fear of spoiling anything for her son. It was frustrating for Parker. It was knowledge she had but wasn't sharing.

"It's so good! I just got to the part where Saphira took Eragon away. He rode her, momma! He's a dragon rider! But what's going to happen to his uncle? He's going to be okay, right?" asked Parker. His mom hid behind her mug and smiled.

"I don't know. You'll have to read about it and tell me," she said. Parker's bottom lip stuck out as his brow furrowed.

"I don't like that you do that. If you know, you should just tell me. I don't like you knowing and me not knowing," mumbled Parker. In frustration, he took a big bite out of his marshmallow and stared at his mug.

Because he was looking down and away, Parker missed the sudden pained look in his mom's eyes.

Amanda heard that statement and could only think about the biggest secret she had ever kept in her life. Guilt weighed on her mind and on her soul. She wanted to tell Parker everything, and yet she wanted to keep these secrets for the rest of her life.

She wanted to tell him about the fake "condition" she gave him to keep him safe.

She wanted to tell him how he came into her life.

She wanted to tell him about the research she had done about the small people fictions she had found all those years ago when she first found him.

And yet she didn't at the same time.

In a flash, all of these thoughts, worries, and desires were gone, and she was once again Amanda Silverstein sitting there with her son, Parker, drinking hot chocolate on his very first snow day.

"Momma?" Parker's voice pulled her from her thoughts. She cleared her throat and looked down at her son.

"Yes, sweetie?" she asked.

"Um... would it be okay if I go outside and play in the snow? And then call Billy and Bailey?" asked Parker. Parker's mom smiled as she considered her son's request.

"Of course," she smiled. "Which do you want to do first?"

"Play! It's still snowing outside," cheered Parker as he hurried into his room and pulled out as many layers as he could. He intended to make some fun things to show his friends, and the sooner the better.

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