3. running too fast

Start from the beginning

I'll probably end up working some boring office job, but it's worth a shot. 

After a 2 hour drive, complete with 8 texts from my Mom checking up on me, and a huge banner saying welcome to the big apple, I pull up the building. A huge structure, mostly glass, which is showing it's age. Families walk in and out of the huge doors, couples walk in pairs, and there is more than an inch of sidewalk space. 

I get out of the car, throwing my bag on and approaching the big steps. I take a moment to look up at the dream-builder of a building I'm about to enter, to thrust myself into the endeavors of university. I walk up the steep front steps, my brain flashing images of me falling just to taunt me. 

My combats clack against marble as I enter the main area, a big map on a smart screen in the middle, with 2 desks on either side. There is a huge staircase to my right, and 2 elevators to my left. I know which I'll be using. I step farther into the place, all kinds of people bustle past, and It's nothing like the half-deserted mall I spend most of my days in. 

I approach one of the desks, unsure of what to expect. A woman in a pink blazer turns around, giving me a warm smile. 

"Hey sugar,  are you one of our freshman?" She picks up a questionare and sets it on the desk Infront of me, not giving me time to answer before handing me a pen. 

"Uh, yes," I say, picking up the clip board. 

"Name?" She says, her voice cheery and a nice contrast to the pit of worries in my stomach. 

"Averen Hart." My voice suddenly sounds hoarse, and I pray I don't lose it. I did kareoke with the Vera, Vicky, Janey, and Loretta last night, and may have went overbaord with the belting. 

"Okay, so fill out that questionnaire, it will help you plan your classes. Would you like to set up and appointment with an advisor?" 

I freeze for a second, my brain overloading with the question she just asked me and stimuli surrounding me, thoughts piling up too fast to be processed, like a malfunctioning factory. 

"Uhhhh....sure?" I say, taking the questionnaire. 

After me blurting out absent-minded answers, I have an appointment on Monday and 5% less dignity. I sit down on a blue couch in the lobby, filling out the questionnaire about my courses. I check off a good amount, trying to pick class times with the least amount of people, and trying to enter a few of the classes Janey and Vera said they joined online. 

I return the questionnaire to the friendly desk lady and she shoots me a sweet grin, "Alright honey, you are all set to explore. I'll send you an email later. I'm Cheryl, by the way. You can always come to me if you have any questions about where anything is or what to do."

I nod, "Thanks." 

I turn around, looking around the place, taking in all the doors and rooms and fancy ceilings. I feel totally out of my element as I wander like a toddler in a toy store. I realize that I need to go to the bathroom, so I circle back around to the map. I tap on the bathroom icon and it shows me which way to go. 

I pass many fellow scholars as I walk down a long hallway, lined with different classrooms, labeled with different numbers and signs I don't quite understand yet. I reach the area of the community bathrooms, which is very nice. The walls are lined with rennaissance era paintings, detailed benches greet me on either side of the white boarding on the walls, golden cushions top them. Light fixtures shaped like balloons hang from the ceiling. 

I put my hand on the knob of the gender nuetral bathroom, being it was the first one I saw, and get pushed backwards by someone exiting it. I stumble back to the other wall, and plop myself down on the bench, trying to act like that was my intention. 

The mysterious stumble causer looks down at me and scoffs. I meet their eyes, and what do you know. The devil is real. 

God's leftovers looks down at me, his chunky glasses having slid down to the end of his nose like a librarian, brown fluffy hair looking a mess. He is in a sweater vest and brown courderoys, a messenger bag slung over his shoulder. 

"..you?" I mumble, still in shock that the universe crossed my path with someone who's mere point of existance is to judge. 

He raises an eyebrow, studying me, unable to put his finger on where he's seen me before. He finally puts 2 and 2 together. "I see you didn't take my advice." 

"Huh?" I stand up, hands on my hips. He's blocking the bathroom door with his blocky torso, so there's no escape. Damn it. 

"That." He points his annoying little finger at my tube top. 

I scoff and draw back, furrowing my eyebrows. "Excuse me? And what are you doing here?" 

"What do you think I'm doing?" He tries to push past me but I throw myself Infront of him. He stops with a screech of his shoes. 

My brain comes to the realization that we both are here. Getting our schedules. And touring our campusus. We are both attending this place. Which means I may very well see this ruthless, good-smelling jerk on the regular. 

"What's your major?" I say, my voice coming out as more of a whine then a question. 

"Criminal justice," 


"What about you?" He continues, raises an eyebrow once again. "I'm suprised you ever leave Hot Topic." 

I show him my schedule, and he then looks at his own. He mumbles under his breath before stomping away down the hall towards two middle-aged people I can assume are his parents. 

"Bye Simon the chipmunk." I yell after him, before entering the bathroom, finally. 

As I stare at myself in the mirror and give myself a very lackluster pep talk, I run over the list of pros in my life, trying to not let this big fat annoying handsome con ruin them. 

I open my text thread with loretts and just text her: I feel like dying this fine afternoon, how about you? 

I try to distract myself as I go back to wandering the halls, seeing where I will soon spend my days. 

God, I hate to say it, but I'm starting to miss that damn mall.

Hey, so what are we thinking? I'm not happy with this chapter, but I hope you are! 

You may not have thought much about the desk lady, but she's actually a very special character to me so I may sneak her back in a couple of times. 

What would you guys want to major in?  I'm still conflicted. 

Love ya manatees

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