Chapter 33 : You have to know everything

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« Ugh ! They're finally gone ! », Link exclaimed, untying his tie and slumping on our bed.

« Yes, finally. », I sighed.

I threw my heels away, and joined him on my bed. It didn't last long before he held me in his arms and my head found its usual spot on his chest right before his lips kissed the top of my head and his fingers started brushing my hair.

I took his other hand, and we intertwined our fingers, now enjoying this moment of calmness after this awful dinner.

Everyone noticed how long Link, Laparoh and I had been between the main course and dessert, and Zirco didn't hesitate to ask it out loud, to my greatest embarrassment. His lustful eyes were looking at us alternatively and when he licked his lips before he let out a light laugh, we all understood that he only had impure thoughts.

I lied, telling Father that my headache was too painful and I needed a moment of calmness after I took my medication, and Link approved my words, saying that he stayed a bit with me to make sure my headache was't more serious than it seemed. He knew that Father wouldn't question him more, and he would be relieved that Link could take care of me, increasing his esteem for my boyfriend. Then, Laparoh said that he got lost in the Mansion, and only Link and I found him in a room far from the living room, which was the reason why we came back here together.

While we were arguing, crying, and agreeing on one of the most terrific things that happened to me, which could lead to one of the most difficult trials I would undergo. Finally making Toruma fall.

But, despite what we said, despite the fact that now I knew that Laparoh was by my side, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

I couldn't know if he would keep his promise, as he disappointed me too many times. I couldn't know if, despite what he said about Toruma and the Yiga Clan, he wasn't fomenting against us. I couldn't know if, in front of the court, he wouldn't run away and leave us alone in front of the judge, the jurors, the lawyers and him.

The monster that scared me too much.

But, on the other hand, he was really different from his twin, he didn't seem to like Toruma at all, and he seemed really surprised and disappointed by what we said about the other side of his twin. A side he couldn't know.

A side Zirco tried to hide by being the perfect man ever. A funny, extroverted, rich and great businessman despite his young age. A man who was perfectly at ease with everyone, always and on everyone's good sides. A twisted man who tried to abuse me for his own pleasure, but also because he was under Ganondorf's spell .

So, as if nothing happened, I sat next to him again. No matter how bad I wanted to cry, to scream, to finally say out loud what he did to me a few minutes before. No matter how bad I was biting my tongue.

Link kept looking at Zirco all along, making sure that he had both of his hands on the table, and, when he saw him getting too close to me, he didn't hesitate a single second to hit his leg under the table, reminding him that, if he broke it a few weeks before, he could easily do it again.

Laparoh, however, looked at his brother with a questioning look, probably lost between the good memories he had with him and the awful thought of what he did to me. As if his twin was now a stranger to him. As if he felt deceived by the one he shared the same blood with, the one he shared everything with. The one who changed too much.

Happily, Mr. Mesa and Father didn't seem to pay attention to our strange behavior as they were talking about the museum they were about to buy together for tens of minutes. Sometimes, Mr. Mesa asked Zirco for his opinion on the business or mine about how we could preserve the authenticity of the building during the renovations, but Father reminded him that I was a bit sick and maybe I shouldn't be disturbed by such hypotheses tonight. The museum wasn't even theirs, after all !

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