Chapter 23 : Hades and Persephone

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« Is there any last question ? », I asked, right after the impressive Professors next to me answered a relevant question about the possible locations of other Leviathans.

Some people in the crowd were chatting together, probably making new hypothesis as I saw them nodding or pointing something on the screen. My comrades seemed pretty interested in this presentation, and some of them asked me questions in the end, which surprised me a bit.

The Leviathan was a cryptid, no, not only a cryptid, but a legend from a little country. If we already heard little things about it in tales, knowing they really existed on our planet was nearly unbelievable.

I remembered, when I was young, Mother used to tell me these legends about a giant whale far bigger than the ones we knew in our days, sometimes they were living in an ocean, deep under the sea or flying around the volcan of an imaginary world while sometimes they were just flying high in the sky, living in a big cloud. She kept telling me that, maybe, the sailors and knights of Hyrule saw some big whales in the oceans and told some incredible stories about them. Incredible stories that made me dream during my whole childhood.

I always told her that I would see one of them one day, and this day had come in December.

And now I am introducing them to the whole world. Oh Mother, you can't imagine how bad I want you to be here.

But, unlike what Mother told me when I was younger, my Leviathan wasn't flying in the sky or living in a volcano. It was 'just' a big whale, twice bigger than a blue whale - that was the largest animal on earth -, living under the sea with other Balaenoptera bosphoramus until a cold spell killed them all. Their DNA and genes were pretty close to the regular whales we knew, so we could easily think they were a sort of cousin to the rorquals, living in the cold oceans, eating planktons but living fifty thousand years ago. Determining their longevity was pretty hard, but compared to some other skeletons of rorquals, my whale probably died at the age of one hundred and twenty years.

But, once again, it was just a hypothesis.

Maybe its bone's physiology was different so my whale was, in fact, older than what we thought, and having only one skeleton couldn't help us determine if my whale could've lived longer or if being a one hundred years whale was already a record in its species. We couldn't also determine how they communicated, how they interacted with each other, or the average size of this specific species.

There are still so many other questions I want to answer ! There are still so many things to discover about this species ! How passionate it is !

I had a look at my coworkers - and I was still shocked that I could call them like that - and they nodded to me, letting me know that I could end the presentation.

« Thank you all for having been here. Now the Leviathan has no secret for - Oh ? There's one last question in the chat... », I said, opening the chat.

And many little laughs raised up in the crowd while my face was turning red.

'Thank you for this conference, it was really interesting. But I couldn't take my eyes off the discoverer. She is as bright as cute...'

« Link... you're impossible. », I mumbled, nervously laughing and covering my too red cheeks with my hands.

Many other 'Thank you.' or 'Excellent presentation' could be seen on screen. I thanked them all once more before I cut the live, and talked a bit with the professors next to me.

They congratulated me for my first conference - even if I felt like I did nothing -, telling me that it was a great pleasure such as an honor to work with me, that, despite my young age, I had everything in me to be a great archeologist one day.

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