Chapter 22 : I was in love with a Ghost

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« Zelda ! We're going to be late ! », Paya exclaimed through my bedroom's door.

« I'm coming ! », I shouted, lacing my sneakers. « I have to go, my love... »

« I quite understood. », he chuckled. « Another great day in Europe ! »

« Exactly. First, the excavation and then - »

« Your conference ! », he joyfully said. « I'll be the first one connected. »

« I hope so ! », I laughed, and Paya knocked at my door again. « Well, I guess I really have to go. »

« Miss Shai is quite impatient ? »

« Living with Impa didn't do her good. », I gently teased her as soon as I opened my door.

« I'm just scared to be late at the excavation ! I was about to discover something when Pr. Aeros told us to stop ! », she tried to defend herself. « Hey Link ! »

« Hey Paya ! », we could hear my boyfriend through my phone.

« Yeah sure... It's not because you'll be in Tauro's group today ? », I teased her again.

« Not at all ! », she retorted, now fully red. « Oh stop looking at me that way and grab your bag before we go ! »

« Yes sir ! », I laughed. « I love you, my love. »

« I love you too, Princess. Have a nice day ! I can't wait to hear you saying so many smart things about your Leviathan ! »

« You're cute. », I said, blushing. « Good night, I can't wait to call you again. »

« Me too. », he smiled, and in one last 'I love you', he finally hung up.

Just as the first time we went to Athens' University, we had to run to take our tram. And, yes, it'd been my fault everyday as I postponed the moment when I had to hang up in the morning. But we were in our tram, and we could see the seaside for many minutes before we had to go to the dirty metro that would lead us to Syntagma and another metro would bring us to our meeting point.

And I couldn't believe it's already been five days since we arrived here.

The memory of our first day here was still crystal clear. How I was nervous to meet new people from all over the world, and how I quickly relaxed when I saw how nice they all seemed to be. How Tauro - a tall tanned-skin man with long dark and curly hair with only one white lock that was covering his eyes, the HU student that was in senior year - immediately showed us the campus - a campus that was so different than HU with its squared buildings while HU had a great light academia vibe - and how he stayed with us all day long and helped us to get integrated with the group.

And, to be honest, we'd been integrated pretty well.

Everyone was nice to us, and, if we didn't go to the excavation on the first day - we had to have few courses about what we were going to excavate, about the tools and procedures -, they all showed us some great locations of Athens, such as the Acropolis and its Museum right after we were free from university.

Seeing this gigantic millennial monument through my eyes and not only in pictures, being able to see, to touch the stones, to smell the scent of Athena's olive tree, to be surrounded by this big part of history and more than this, by all the souls that set foot on the ground I was also walking on. I was so glad we could walk on the path freely, feeling the little stones under my feet, feeling the sun on my skin and being able to properly see what I wanted to focus on.

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