Chapter 2 : Us against the world

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And they disappeared behind the large gates of the Mansion, in one last wave through their windows.

Link was still standing still, looking at the place where his family disappeared, not knowing when he would see them again. Before his accident, he told them he would probably spend one week in Hateno during spring's break, considering that I'll be going to Athens with Paya. But now, everything has changed. And he would probably end up at the Mansion while I would be abroad and I already feel guilty for it.

Maybe he will recover sooner than expected ?

Still. I knew how much he used to miss his family during the semester we spent together – even if he wasn't calling them that much – and we both agreed it would be the right moment for them to be together, as it was. Just the four Farore together, without anything else to disturb them. Because I knew that if I stayed here, he would've told me to come with him, knowing how hard it was for us to be apart.

And now he will have to do his rehabilitation here, and worse than everything, he will have to spend a complete week with Father, alone. Just the two of them. And I was already nervous about how this thing will go.

I knew Father kinda liked Link, now he saved my life at the risk of his own. But... maybe that was just the 'honeymoon phase', and they will go back to their past relationship, when Father didn't really like him and Link considered him more of a jailor than a father.

Link already knew how complicated my relation with Father had been. How he obliged me to follow his inflexible rules, those same rules Link had to endure. Those awful rules that avoided us to live the way we wanted to. Those awful rules that made us act like two strangers during the day even if we were sleeping in the same bed at night. And, more than this, how he'd been mean to me after Mother's death.

Everything is going to be just fine.

Father was already home, while Link and I were enjoying the last sun rays in the garden, next to the purple willow that was slowly budding, the same tree he kissed me under during our first night at the Mansion. Us, together, braving Father's rules because our love for each other was too strong to be tamed by his control over me.

« How are you feeling ? », I asked.

« Fine. », he smiled at me, but then, he kept looking at the empty path in front of us.

I held his hand, slowly caressing its back. His eyes landed on me, and I saw how sad he was.

« You will see them sooner than expected. », I tried to reassure him, but it ended poorly.

« I hope so... », he shook his head. « Let's go back inside, it's getting dark here and your Father is going to wait for us. »

« You still want to eat, little gluton ? »

« Yes, I want to. », he chuckled. « But I don't think I will be able to. »

« Too painful ? »

« A bit. And I can't take another painkiller for the moment. »

« How long do you have to wait ? »

« One hour. »

« Maybe you can take it now ? I mean- »

« Zel. This is morphine. I don't want to... I don't know... mess up with this. », he sighed. « I've been under it for nine days and I feel like I have to stop taking them. »

« You can still take your medication if you're in pain... The doctors prescribed it so... »

« So I will try to take another kind of painkiller. A weaker one, okay ? »

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