Chapter 32 : Courage and Cowardice

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My heart stopped, such as my breath.

Why can't you just leave me alone ?

« Zelda ? », I heard a male voice through the door.

I put my hands on my mouth, in the hope that it could avoid me bursting into tears again, while I took many deep breaths. I leaned against the wall behind me, and closed my eyes.

I wanted to disappear, I wanted to pretend that nothing happened. But I ended up in the corridor again, with Toruma in front of me, with his hands that were cutting my breath.

'Are you still breathing, Pretty Girl ?'

« Zelda ? », the same voice said, knocking on the door.

'Be nice, and I will be nice too. If you're not, you will have a lesson that you will never forget.'

My heart was about to explode, my breath was too heavy and too fast to be natural, and I started feeling dizzy. My soul was somewhere between the corridor and this bathroom, far from reality, but also too close to someone who hurt me too badly.

« Leave me alone. », I finally said in a low voice.

« Zelda ? »

I'm suffocating ! I just want to be alone !

« Leave me alone ! », I yelled.

And I bursted into tears again.

Only my sobs could be heard, only my silent cries were breaking this silence. No footsteps, no sigh, nothing.

The visitor was still behind the door while I was still trying my best to walk down. But how could I when I was next to someone who didn't listen to me, when I was next to someone who created so many nightmares, someone who tormented my soul.

« Please, Zelda, I know I can help you. »

« Oh, yes, I know how : by leaving me alone. »

He sighed, and, instead of walking away, he leaned against the door, and slipped along it now sitting on the floor.

« I won't. Not this time. », he said in a shaky voice.

Please, Laparoh.

Tears filled my eyes again. I closed them the hardest I could, hoping it would chase these salty pearls, but I failed. I failed, dismally.

« I made a mistake, a terrible one, and... », he sighed. « And you have to know that I never stopped thinking about it. »

« As if I didn't think about it neither. », I hissed.

I shook my head. How could he say something like that to me ? As if it was more serious for him than for me !

« Laparoh, go away, please. »

« I'm sorry Zelda, but I can't. »

« You can. And you will. », I ordered.

« I won't. »

« Why can't you listen to me ? », I shouted.

« Because I can't ! », he screamed too. « Because I have so many things to tell you ! Because I need to see you ! »

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