"Yeah," Kai agreed with his sister, "where there's an Elemental Master of Smoke, there's an Elemental Master of Fire." he showed his powers, making Wyldfyre smirk in agreement.

"Mortal Combat reference...?" I mumbled to myself.

"I'll always be there for you guys!" I added, "I am your Sensei after all. What kind of example would I be if I wasn't?" I held Sora's shoulder, smiling sweetly at her and Arin, "You guys are precious to me. I would never let anything bad to you guys."

"Ahem!" Kai cleared his throat, "Oh! And K.S. with the others as well!" I pretended to be aloof making the Fire Ninja a little offended, "But I know they can take good care of themselves. So I'm not worried about them."

The Red Ninja turned bashful, "Aw! Sensei! That's so nice of you! And of course! I am her best student after all."

Sora blinked in confusion, "I thought it was Zane?"

"Excuse me?! Who told you that?" I turned away to not meet Kai's gaze, "Oh! I think Adam needs to get his daily nutrients for healthy growth! Ehehe...!"

"Hmm. You're right." Lloyd smiled at our exchange, "I don't know what I'm so scared about. Ninja never quit." He soon burped near me, "Ooh, except for maybe this tea. Sorry, sis."

I swatted my hand at the scent, "By the First Elemental Masters...! I think it'll take a bit of time to get this scent off..."

Riyu prepared to catch a fly but Mr. Frohicky beat him to it, he also burped after ingesting it, "Ooh. Pardon me." He excused himself.

Nya pondered on what happened last night, "So this Elemental Master took the mallet he stole to Lord Ras. What does Ras want with it? We know it can't be for something good."

One of my students spoke up, "Well, I can think of one place to look for answers. Uh, Sensei? Any inputs?" She turned to me, getting everyone else to look my way.

I yawned before blinking, "Huh? What? Just because I predict everything, doesn't mean I can do it willingly."

"That...does not make sense, girlfriend," Nya informed.

I huffed, "It makes sense in my head. So there."

The group gave each other looks at my personality change, "It's her insomnia talking. Alongside stress and overworking," Kai alerted the group.

"K.S. We don't talk about people behind their backs. OR in front of them." I instructed.

The said Ninja flinched, "Oh gosh...No matter what, her stern voice makes me freeze up..."

"So, we can go with my idea?" Sora implied, trying to dissuade the situation of me almost deciding to end Kai's life.

Giving a sweet smile to her, I gave a nod, "Of course, dear! Let's go! Zane, Lloyd! Come on! You too, Arin, sweetie!" I called out to the others while holding Sora's shoulders.

"No fair! You're way nicer to the students than your own legal and bonded family!!" I heard Kai yell but I merely rolled my eyes, "Don't mind him."


Zane, Lloyd, Sora, Arin, and I walked through the busy streets of the Crossroads.

"I heard Fedulian, the guy who owns this place is kind of sketchy," Lloyd informed the younger Ninja, "Since you two know the people of Crossroads better than we do, I feel like you'll have more success getting information from him."

Ninjago Dragon's Rising - The Guardian of Life (The Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now