lovers. (dm)

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draco malfoy had been dating astoria greengrass for over a year. it wasn't his choice, but any means. he father was forcing him to be with someone of pureblood descent. the one he really wanted to be with was hufflepuff seraphina potter, half blood. her older brothers, james and harry potter, were always very protective over her. they never left her alone, unless cedric or hannah had been around. mattheo and tom loved messing with harry quite a bit - stealing his sister and taking her to do things with them, usually.

one morning, harry and cedric were busy getting things ready for their last task in the tournament and hannah was nowhere to be seen. draco took this as his opportunity to finally talk to seraphina again. they hadn't spoken in merlin knows how long. he sat next to her at the hufflepuff table, hugging her almost immediately. astoria didn't like that her boyfriend was that close with another girl. she was jealous of seraphina.

"hey ser, you alright?" draco smiled at her.

"dray!" her voice was laced with excitement.

"hi love. how are you?" malfoy chuckled.

"i'm fine, just missing my best friend. how are you?" she turned all her attention to him.

that was something he loved about her. seraphina always gave draco her undivided attention, no matter who or what was going on around them. astoria never did that. she always ignored him, never asked how he was, what he was up to, never checked on him. draco hated being with her. his father forced the two of them together after hearing that astoria had a crush on his son. draco put up a good fight but ultimately gave up once his father threatened to kill him. seraphina comforted draco that night, feeling horrible for her friend.

harry and james did their best to keep their baby sister away from draco, but sometimes their efforts were in vain. mattheo and tom sat across from seraphina. they waited for her to be done
talking to draco to speak with her. she smiled at the brothers. once their conversation was over, she turned her attention to the riddle boys. tom asked if seraphina was doing okay in her classes, mattheo asked if she was still dating cedric. her and cedric had broken up a few weeks prior, but they were keeping it low. if anyone asked, they'd explain.

"you hear that mate?" mattheo chuckled.

"draco is in a relationship, matty." seraphina rolled her eyes.

"i'd hardly call that a relationship. she's sleeping with other guys every night before going over to malfoy's." tom pushed the food around on his plate.

"she's what? how do you know that?" draco's eyes widened.

tom stopped talking. he got up and left the great hall. draco turned around to see astoria smiling and flirting with some other slytherin boy. once she saw draco looking at her, she stopped. malfoy rolled his eyes and left. greengrass tried to follow, but the boy she flirted with stopped her. mattheo and seraphina went after draco to see if he was okay. he hated the girl, sure, but it still hurt that she cheated. she was interested in him first!

"dray? are you in here?" seraphina walked into one of the abandoned bathrooms.

"i'm here, sera. i'll be fine, just go back to the hall." draco wiped his nose with his sleeve.

"nah, i'm good here." she sat in front of the stall he was in.

"why would she do this to me? she was interested in me first, then she goes and throws away the relationship that could have saved her family." he vented.

"i'm sorry, bubba. what can i do?' the girl reached under the door to feel his hand.

"you being here is more than enough. i'm ending with her today and going after the actual girl of my dreams." draco whispered, hoping she didn't hear the end of that.

"who's this lucky girl?" seraphina chuckled.

draco unlocked the door and joined the girl outside of it. he sat down and pulled her into his lap. she smiled at him. malfoy knew he'd marry this girl someday. her smiled was enough to send him into a puddle. her voice brought him peace, her laugh gave him comfort, her hugs granted safety. draco had never felt that way with anyone and he knew he'd never find that in someone that wasn't seraphina. they stayed cuddled up with one another for awhile until mattheo and tom found the pair. seraphina had fallen asleep in his arms. draco handed her off to tom, then left to find astoria. she was in the slytherin common room. 

lorenzo and theodore were talking to a few other students when they saw draco come in. astoria was sitting with the boy from the great hall earlier. malfoy rolled his eyes and headed over to her. she pushed the guy away from her once draco stood in front of her. lorenzo and theodore made their way closer, just in case something happened.

"you were interested first, were you not?" draco asked.

she nodded.

"you begged my father to be with me, did you not?" his crossed his arms over his chest.

she nodded again.

"glad we're on the same page when it comes to who really ended this. talk to me or seraphina or any of my friends again, and you'll regret the day you were ever born." malfoy turned on his heel and left for his dorm. 

lorenzo saw tom and mattheo come in a few minutes later. seraphina had been dropped off at her brother's dorm. hermione and ron were the ones who let tom put the girl to bed. harry was out at quidditch. mattheo and theodore headed up to the latter's room for some business that needed to be taken care of, lorenzo asked tom if he was okay. tom just said he needed to get draco to ask the potter girl to be his already, she had been talking about him in her sleep before leaving the common room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

draco was forever grateful for how the last four years played out. 

seraphina agreed to be his girl after a week of trying to work up the courage to ask.

tom and lorenzo came out as bisexual, announcing they were together and had been for years.

mattheo and theodore came out as gay, also announcing they'd been together for years.

astoria married the man she had an affair with, only for him to go and sleep with one of her best friends.

tom and mattheo took over the riddle legacy after their father died, leaving them with a fortune to use as the pleased.

draco and seraphina married a year after leaving hogwarts. they were expecting their first child - a boy - within the next couple of months. 

harry and ginny never married - they broke up and found other people. 

ron and hermione stayed together for years after hogwarts, just never did the whole wedding thing.

mattheo and tom never left seraphina's side. she was still their girl, even after all those years. they were even more protective over her now, especially since harry had cut her off for marrying into the malfoy family. she didn't mind though, she had her slytherin boys and that was enough for the girl.

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