holidays. (tn)

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theodore nott loved celebrating things - birthdays, christmas, new years, valentine's day, easter. it didn't matter. if there was a holiday, theodore was always doing something in some way to celebrate. his girlfriend, on the other hand, despised holidays. especially christmas. she'd never had a good christmas or birthday at all growing up. all the girl wanted to do was forget they ever existed, but theodore would never let that happen.

"c'mon nora, please." nott pulled his best puppy dog eyes.

"theo. i've told you a thousand times, i really don't want to celebrate this. it's just a stupid day." nora replied, rolling her eyes.

"it's your birthday and i'm your boyfriend. you can't just expect me not to do anything. let me at least take you to dinner." theo begged.

"alright, alright. but you better not tell them it's my birthday." she caved.

"wouldn't dream of it, princess." he smiled and took her hand as they walked to the restaurant.

they made it to nora's favorite place to eat - the three broomsticks. nora didn't know what to say, so she smiled gratefully at him. theodore made a mental note to take her there more often. after awhile, she warmed up to the idea of celebrating her birthday with just her lover. nora was actually having fun for the first time in a long time.  he kept his word, not telling them it was her birthday. after dinner, theodore took her to the black lake and showed the girl the cute little set up he made. it was frozen and there were two pairs of skates waiting for them.

"teddy? you did all of this for me?" nora looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"of course, cara mia. i'd do anything to see you smile." theodore smiled, kissing her nose.

he gestured for her to sit on the bench and tied up her skates for her. after tying his own skates, they went on the ice together.  theodore held nora's waist to make sure she didn't fall. they ended up falling a few times, but got the hang of it after awhile. nora started getting tired and nott took notice. the couple got off the ice a few minutes later. nora tried to untie her skates but theodore stopped the girl and did it for her.

"thank you for today, love. this has to be the best birthday i've ever had." nora blushed as they walked back to the castle.

"yknow, you never actually told me why you hate your birthday." theodore pointed out.

"do you want to know?" she asked.

"i'd love to, but only if you're comfortable telling me." nott smiled, and opened the door for her as they reached the dorms.

nora grew up with only her mother. her mother, france, hated nora for ruining her life. nora raised herself. she never had a birthday, as france always had to be the center of attention no matter what. nora never celebrated christmas because that would take attention off her parent. theodore listened to every word and never interrupted. nora explained that her father tried to get custody of her, but the judge never granted it. 

france always made sure there was something that held nora's father back from getting custody of her. when nora started dating her first boyfriend at thirteen, her mother did everything in her power to break them up. they eventually split and france threw a party because of it. nora was completely heartbroken. every holiday was overcome by nora's mother's need to be the center of attention. if she wasn't, she made it everyone's problem. after going to hogwarts, nora finally felt free of france's grasp on her. 

nora almost missed her train because her mother tried to keep her home. her father stepped in to forcefully took nora to the train station. france had some believable crocodile tears, but nora and her father knew to never fall for them. theodore and nora had met on the train in third year. they had been inseparable ever since. lorenzo, mattheo, and draco knew of nora since the day they were all sorted, but theodore had been too immersed in his studies to notice anything or anyone else. 

"i'll always be here for you, you know that right?" theodore wrapped his arms around her.

"i'll always be here for you too, teddy." nora smiled.

"it's not about me right now, cara mia." nott rolled his eyes playfully.

"i know, but i'm making it about you." she cuddled into him.

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