wonderland. (jh)

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jefferson loved harper. she was the light of his life, the reason he smiled, the reason he rushed home from work every day. harper had the hatter's heart and wasn't planning on giving it up. she loved him just as much as he did her. they were the town's favorite couple, even emma swan loved them. regina liked them together too, and she hated everyone. 

"love, are you ready?" jefferson called out.

"be there in a minute!" her voice made him smile.

her little black dress was on full display as she made her way down to him. jefferson didn't know how he got so lucky, but he was damn sure proud to have harper. she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. the man told his girl to dress nicely as he was planning to take her somewhere special to him. she tried to ask where, but jefferson wouldn't say. the duo walked to his car and he opened to door for her. 

after driving for awhile, jefferson pulled onto a dark back road. harper did get a little nervous, but she'd been with him for two years now. if he wanted to kill her, he would've done it by now. jefferson grabbed something out of the trunk and placed it on the ground. once it was on the ground, the man helped harper leave the car. she looked at the hat shaped box, then back up at her lover. he just smiled at the girl and told her to step back.

the hat started spinning and opened a portal. jefferson grabbed harper's hand, and they jumped through. harper squeezed the man's hand as they fell down. after a few seconds, they both hit the ground. jefferson chuckled at her reaction. once they stood up, harper took note of all the doors. he pointed at the smallest one, a tiny golden door. they headed toward it. harper asked if they'd be able to fit through it and jefferson just smiled at her.

jefferson unlocked the door with the key around his neck and opened the door. harper's eyes widened when she saw the land behind the door. he wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck, then pulled the girl through the now open door. it closed softly behind them. she looked into jefferson's eyes and watched as they changed colors.

"where the bloody hell have you taken me?" she was in awe of him.

"harper, welcome to wonderland." jefferson smiled.

"wonderland? with the white rabbit and the queen of hearts?" harper walked down the path.

"exactly. don't stray too far, wouldn't want to lose you." he warned.

"who are you in wonderland, then?" the girl asked.

jefferson picked up a flower and handed it to her. she smiled and put it in her hair. the man's hat was right at his feet, so he picked it up and placed it on his head. harper loved the way it looked on him. she still hadn't caught on to who he was. jefferson chuckled when she reached up to touch his hat. 

"the mad hatter, love, at your service." jefferson bowed in front of her.

"you're mad?" harper teased.

"oh absolutely. the wackiest and maddest one you'll ever meet." he took her hand and started to show her around.

harper met many of jefferson's friends. the rabbit, alice, the twins, that weird caterpillar thing. she had yet to meet the king and queen, but jefferson was saving them for last. they weren't the nicest people in wonderland. he never told her about losing his head, and he'd like to keep it that way. she'd seen his scar, but hadn't really asked. harper just figured that the man would tell her when he was ready. 

they'd been in wonderland for quite some time before finally getting to see the king and queen of hearts. jefferson was a little nervous, but harper had been wanting to visit them all day. the queen was very beautiful. her red hair, the most gorgeous blue eyes, and her dress was to die for. harper had never been more excited. jefferson told her to bow first, then ask to see the queen. once the queen laid eyes on harper, her eyes widened. was it really her? after all this time?

"your majesty." jefferson said.

"what is your name, girl?" the queen asked.

"harper, your majesty." she replied.

"harper what?" queen grew impatient.

"i'm not sure, your majesty, i was never given a last name." harper looked terrified.

jefferson was taken aback that the queen was actually talking to the girl. her majesty walked over to harper and looked into her eyes. they were the same color. that color she never thought she'd ever see again on another human being. jefferson didn't know what to do, but he'd never even think about speaking whilst the queen of hearts herself was standing there. once she went back over to her throne, the hatter let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

"jefferson. did you know?" the queen wondered.

"no. i had no idea, your majesty." he shook his head.

"do not leave wonderland. you are the next in line, harper. you must be here for when i die." she sent them away from the castle.

jefferson and harper made it back to the door in no time. she didn't bother asking questions, just really wanting to get the hell out of wonderland now. the hatter got them out within a minute and back to storybrooke. harper kissed her lover's cheek then retreated back in the car. how could she be the next in line? she wasn't related to the queen in any way. was she?

"what did she mean that i'm next in line?" harper questioned once they were back.

"you are her daughter, harp. she's your mother. i didn't know until she came closer and looked into your eyes. the only eye color in the world is the ones you and her both share." jefferson explained, pouring a drink for both of them.

"so, why did we leave when she told us not to?" she panicked.

"do you want to go back?" he asked.

"no! i don't want to rule over wonderland, but i don't want her to kill me either." the girl took a swig of her drink.

jefferson told her that the queen couldn't come into their world. she was bound by the laws of wonderland - once someone is king or queen, they are stuck in wonderland forever. the queen of hearts tried many times to escape, but there was always something that prevented her from doing so. if she hadn't have accepted the crown, she'd be free to come and go as she pleased. 

harper didn't want that fate. she didn't want to be stuck somewhere for the rest of her days, ruling over people and things in land she had only recently discovered. jefferson reassured her that day would never come, as long as he was alive and she didn't go back to wonderland. he even told the girl that he'd destroy his hat if it would make her feel better. harper shook her head at that. 

"wonderland is great and all, but you're greater than any land." jefferson kissed the back of her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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