Chapter thirty eight

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We learn that Emma is about 2 months into her pregnancy. Peter says the baby looks healthy. We got to hear its little heart beat through this machine they pressed on Emma's belly. It was so surreal to hear it. Emma and I both cried. Peter says my bloodwork came back fine. Emma and I are both healthy. We are currently walking to one of the identical houses where they said we could stay. We walk into the door. It opens into a kitchen with white cabinets and a black countertop. There is a stainless steel fridge, and range. A small round table occupies the space as well. Off of the kitchen to the right is a living room with a couch, 2 chairs, and stand containing a small tv. I've never watched television, it was not available to us at Aukai. To the left is a hallways containing 3 doors. Peter says there is 2 bedrooms and a bathroom behind the doors. It is a decent sized place for how small it looks on the outside. We take seats in the living room. Emma and I on the soft gray couch. Izzy in one chair and Peter in the other. Jeff stands by the door. "I would like to ask a few questions to start if that would be alright?" Peter asks and we give him a nod. "Where did you guys come from?" He questions. "We were in a colony in the ocean. It's called Aukai. We have been there since before the scruff started. Emma and I were both toddlers at the time that our parents took us there." Peter nods digesting the information. "How did you guys find that submarine?"

We explain everything to Peter. Starting at the beginning and ending with our escape from Micah. Peter stares at us in shock leaning in closely. "Do you mean Dr. Micah Simpson?"

"Yes that's him." I respond. "There is no way, he has been dead for over 15 years. We didn't think there was anything left of Aukai." Peter says with disbelief in his voice. "That's what he said his name was. He has been at Aukai for a very long time looking for a cure for The Scruff. According to him." I say. "I mean that would make sense.." Peter trails off. "Him and I were working on creating the scruff together. He turned into a mad scientist. We thought he killed himself.. but we never found his body. It all makes sense." I stare at Peter curiously. "The Scruff has been manageable for many years now. We found a vaccine long ago but Micah couldn't accept it. He knew there had to be a cure to stop it all together but there isn't. We still see cases of it but they are few. We see maybe 3-4 scruff at the walls a day. We keep the walls up to our town because there are people out there that haven't grown their immunity. They refuse to get the vaccine that is keeping it at bay. We used to have 100s of the creatures at the walls but over the last 5 years that has changed. Like I said we still get some but not a lot. I think over the next few years the remaining people outside of our civilizations have died off we will be able to rebuild the world again instead of living behind the walls. I am sure you noticed that in the forest there were no animals? That's because the scruffs have ate everything into extinction. We raise our own animals here but there are no more wild animals anywhere in the world. All the colonies I am aware of have their own raised animals. I am truly surprised you guys didn't run into any creatures when you were out there. We have to be very careful when we travel because they are still out there." I stare at Peter in shock.

"There are still people at Aukai. If they are still alive. Are you able to get there? To get to them?" I plead. Peter rubs his chin with his small hands. "I am so sorry but no. There is no way for us to get there." I hear Emma sob beside me. "I'm not sure if anyone is alive there. We just barely escaped a "scruff" as you called it. I am sure more people have turned by now.." I trail off not wanting to think about the unfortunate people we left behind. My heart hurts for them. The thought makes me queasy. "I know it's tough but this is the world now. Unfortunately not everyone can be saved. When I did your bloodwork you both have natural immunity to the scruff. Did you know that?" He asks with a raised eyebrow. "Micah said he seen where a few of us did. He was experimenting on the people of Aukai right under our noses and no one knew it. Our only food source was fish so he said we got our immunity that way." I explain to Peter. "Yes of course that makes sense." Peter sits back in the chair in a huff you can see his brain working a hundred miles a minute. "Your people would have a natural immunity from consuming the fish but not enough to keep it at bay forever. Your younger population such as yourselves would have a higher immunity than the older ones. They knew life before the scruff and didn't begin to develop the immunity young like yourselves." All this information is hard to digest.

"We did see one animal." Emma says softly beside me pulling me away from the thoughts swirling my brain. Peter smiles "Ah yes! I almost forgot." He shuffles down the hallway and I hear one of the doors open. He comes out carrying Whiskers in his arms and places him on the floor. He immediately runs to us and jumps in Emma's lap purring. Emma's hot tears drop into his fur as she pets him. He answers her with a meow. I give him a few loving pets as well. "Your cat here really loves you. That's what happened to Jeff's leg. He attacked him when he took Emma." I look at Jeff and he won't look at Whiskers. It makes me giggle a little. "I'm not sure how he survived out there but he must be a very smart cat. Jeff gave him the same shot that he gave you guys and brought him here. We figured you would be more comfortable with your furry companion." Peter says.

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