Chapter twenty seven

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The morning sun is peaking through the trees. We are still under the cover of our trees. Emma still is sleeping softly next to me. I have been up waiting for daybreak. I slept for a bit but I couldn't sleep longer. I shake Emma and she wakes with a groan. "I'm sorry we have to get moving." She groans again but nods. We both grudgingly move out from under the trees Emma takes a seat on the edge and stretches. My muscle ache something fierce. My back and neck at tight. My feet are sore. Emma begins coughing drawing me back to her. My heart leaps in my throat. "What's wrong?" I say kneeling next to her with my hand on her leg. "I just don't feel well. My head is aching." My mind races thinking back to the lab. I don't know how much serum Micah got into Emma before I stopped him. Emma must be thinking the same thing as we lock eyes. She has tears in her eyes. "Do you think?" She asks sadly. "No, no it can't be." I say shaking my head vigorously. "Take your shirt off and pants. Let's look for any patches of hair." I respond with urgency. She does as I say. I take in her beautiful skin. Checking every inch and there is no patches of hair. She quickly puts her clothes back on. "I don't see anything. Okay? Let's start moving." She responds with a halfhearted okay.

We are deep into the forest. My vision has become hazy, everything looks the same the farther we walk. There is nothing but trees, shrubs, grass, ferns, and flowers. We have ran into more blueberry bushes along our travels. They have come up every few miles or so. We eat the sweet filled berries each time we find a bush. We still have not seen any animals? Shouldn't there be animals this far into the forest?

My feet ache, they scream wanting me to stop, to give them a break but we have to keep moving. We have slowed down some. Emma is so tired I can tell. She is paler than normal. We take frequent breaks. She states her head is pounding causing her vision to blur. We continue to look for fur but she still hasn't developed any. I think her headache may be from dehydration. We haven't had water in over a day now. My tongue is so dry. It sticks to the roof of my mouth. It feels like there is cotton stuffed in there. The nectar that comes from the berries does help some but not enough.

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