Chapter thirty

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Walking outside of the outskirts of the small town we decide to go in a direction we hadn't before. Twigs snap under our foot steps sending the cracking sound throughout the wilderness echoing in the quiet. We still have not seen any animals in the wilderness, it's perplexing? Why are there no animals?

"Emma did you notice we have not seen any animals the whole time we have been here? Why do you think that is?" I ask as we continue to walk. "Hmm.. yes I did notice that. I don't know. We will have to ask the people when we reach Washington I suppose." She answers with a shrug.

During our travel we come across a tree with low hanging apples. They are a deep red and big. I pick the closest apple to me and it fits in the palm of my large hand. I take a bite, it's crisp and sweet. I hear Emma crunching away on one as well. The apple is the size of her hand, her hands are much smaller than mine. "Wow these are delicious!" Emma exclaimed. I nod my head in agreement. "I didn't think these kind of trees would be this close to the ocean? Do you think someone planted it here?" Emma asks in a questioning tone. "Possibly. I don't know exactly. I am sure a lot of the land has changed over time. Another question to ask I suppose." I answer making a mental note. We finish our apples and pick more putting as many as we can fit into our backpack.

We don't come across any more fruit along the never ending path we are on. Emma grabs my arm "Do you hear that?" She asks. I listen closely trying to hear what she hears. Through the quiet I start to hear a low whooshing sound. The sound of a river. I look at Emma with excitement on my face. We run towards the sound until we reach it.

In front of me is a long expanding river. It's deep but not too deep, I can see the bottom. There are rocks lining it and moss grows a deep green color causing the water to look green. I take the back pack off and take out our jug that contains the little bit of water we have left. I dip it into the river filling it up. I take a small sip to check it. It's cool and crisp in my mouth. There is no salt in the water which is what I was hoping for. The water is clear and I can see through the jug. I hand the jug to Emma. Waiting for her to take it from my hand but she never does. I turn and see she is undressing until she is completely naked. Her belly seems more bloated than normal, I know it's a normal occurrence that happens with pregnancy. Her breasts are fuller and more round. Her soft creamy skin glows. I feel a slight tingle in my groin. She giggles and splashes into the water. It's reaches just at her hip level. She undoes her braid and dips her head into the water. I start to undress and follow suit. I splash into the water it's moderately cold but it feels so good. I wish we had soap to wash off the filth and grime from the last few days but the water alone helps. I dunk my head into the cold water scrubbing my hands through my hair. I come back up taking in a deep breath. The water feels amazing. The current is weak so we are able to stay in one place. Emma looks so relaxed in the water. Her long blonde hair flows down her back. It's longer when it's wet it nearly reaches her butt.

Emma pulls me in pushing her wet naked body against mine and pulls me in for a sweet kiss. I feel the tingle in my grown again. Emma continues to kiss me each one getting deeper and more passionate until our bodies grow warm despite the cold water. It's such a different feeling to make love in the water, it's freeing. Anyone could see us if there were anyone around but it's just Emma and I. It's like we are the only two people left in the whole world.

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