Chapter ten

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I wake to Emma shaking me softly. "Hey it's time to wake up." I open my eyes groggily "What time is it?" Emma pats my arm "Almost time for dinner. You have been asleep for a few hours and I didn't want to wake you, you were sleeping so soundly." I pull her in for a snuggle and that's how we lay until dinner.

When it's almost midnight we start to pack what we need to go up to the deck. I wrap the radio in the blanket so no one can see it if we are caught. I peak my head into the hallway and I don't see anyone and sneak out with Emma beside me. We hurriedly walk up the stairs reach the port hole in no time. I hand Emma the radio and turn the giant wheel to open the door. The chilly salty hair hits me as soon as I crack it open and it feels so good to get some fresh air. I'm so used to working on the deck every day I didn't realize I took that for granted when everyone is stuck below breathing in the filtered air. I take the radio from Emma. My old station has a power source near the screen of the scanner. I plug the radio in and it comes to life. I turn the volume up and start scanning the stations saying Hello every so often. Emma is glued to my side anxiety radiating off of her. We repeat this process for what feels like forever with no luck. Emma sighs and goes and spreads out our blanket. She lays on her back and stares up at the night sky. It is always so clear up here. This has always been my favorite place to be. I take my spot next to Emma leaving the radio volume up.

A soft tune starts to come through the radio it's almost inaudible. I jump up and run to the radio. Emma stays seated but looks up curiously. I turn it up as far as it will go and a woman begins singing. I have never heard music before we don't have access to it but my mom used to sing to me when I was young so I know this is music. I say Hello a few times but no one speaks the woman continues to sing. "Ace" Emma says in a shaky voice. I look over at her but she is backing up towards me and I see a giant pelican. It's feathers are completely white except for the black that is accenting its large out stretched wings. It's about 4 foot tall with a 3 foot wing span. Its eyes book dark and mean. It's long beak looks sharp. He is standing on the edge of the landing making its way towards Emma. It's one of the biggest I have ever seen they typically fly away with movement but it doesn't budge. Emma backs into me with a hard bang causing the radio to fall off the scanner. I try to reach it but I'm too late. It lands in the ocean with a large splash causing the pelican to fly away. I stare at the radio as it falls deeper and deeper towards the ocean floor.

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