Chapter thirty seven

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I put my fingers up in a "shh" motion and Emma nods in understanding. We back ourself into the small stall I can just see the door through the cracks in the wooden door. Emma is safely tucked behind me. I can see 3 people coming through the door. The first is a very tall man I'd say he is close to 7 feet tall. He is muscular to match his enormous height. I see a wrap around his leg. He must be who took Emma and I. There is a woman next to him. She is short with short black hair. The last man next to her is average height making him look like a midget he is well dressed in a button up shirt with slacks. He is out of place with the other 2 who are dressed normally in a tshirt and shorts. I can see the woman and the tall man are carrying stun batons.

"You guys can come out. We are not here to harm you. The stun batons are for our safety but we do not plan to use them unless you plan to attack us. I know you are confused but we will clear everything up soon." The well dressed man shouts throughout the barn. I turn to Emma. "What do we do?" I ask in an almost inaudible whisper. She shrugs her shoulders. "We have been searching for answers. Let's see what they have to say." I think quickly then agree with a quick nod. We stand up together still keeping Emma behind me. We apprehensively step out from the safety of our stall. It takes the group a few moments for them to notice us. The well dressed man greets us with a sweet smile, making me feel a bit more comfortable.

"Hi, I am Dr. Peter Jones, this is Jeff and this young lady is Izzy." He says as the two give us a small wave. "They are just here to protect me as we get to know each other. What are your names?" Peter asks in calm tone. "I am Ace and this is my girlfriend Emma." I stutter out nervously. Peter smiles "It's lovely to meet you both. I am sure you have a lot of questions. I would like to take you to our clinic to get you both checked out. Would that be okay?" I notice Peter has an accent I have never heard before. It sounds strange compared to the rest of us. I nod. Peter smiles again and uses his hand to gesture to the door way. Emma grabs my hand and we walk with the group. 

When exiting the barn I shield my eyes. The sun is bright blinding me. After a few minutes my eyes adjust and I notice we are in a small town. There are houses surrounding the large barn. The houses all look the same, they all are one-story, gray with 2 windows in the front. I see a a few different buildings that seem centrally located in the town but I am not sure what they are yet. They are too far away. I can't see the town is surrounded by huge metal walls. I can see people walking the length of the wall holding rifles. "Welcome to Hamilton." Peter expresses gesturing to our surroundings. "We typically get around on golf carts but we will walk today so we can get to know each other more. Okay?" Emma and I both nod. She squeezes my hand and I squeeze it back. "We were looking for a refuge in Washington. Is this it?" I ask. "Ahh no, I know where you are talking about though. We are still in what is left of California. We are at the top of the state. We found you guys quite far away. Jeff here brought you back by horse and buggy. That is how we travel outside of town." Peter answers. The ground below us is grassy and flat making the walk easy. "How did you find us?" I ask. "Well every so often check the surrounding area for any survivors. We spotted you when you arrived on that sub a few days ago. We have been keeping an eye on you since then. I know our way of bringing people here can be frightening but we do it that way for again our safety." Peter responds with a smile. We continue to walk until we reach the buildings I couldn't make out before. They are all lined together. Im assuming they are there stores. Each one has a sign above them. I read groceries, supplies, barber, and a few others. The very last building reads "clinic". We stop in front of the door. Jeff kindly opens it and gestures us all in. Dr. Peter waves to a young woman sitting behind a desk. "This is our receptionist Lindsay" he introduces us. She greet us with a warm smile. We follow him until we reach a room. There is a table tall enough to be sat on with 2 wooden chairs against the wall. "Go ahead and have a seat." Petter beckons to the empty chairs. We sit, Emma not letting go of my hand. "Do either of you have any conditions I need to be aware of?" He asks. I shake my head no. "I do not. Emma is pregnant. Other than that we are both healthy."

"Well congratulations!" Petter gushes as he writes things down in a notebook. "I would like to take a few samples of blood from both of you to check a few different things if that would be alright? One of these tests will see how far along Emma's pregnancy is. Once we are finished with that we can discuss more about Hamilton and where you guys came from. Would that be alright?" Peter speaks in a calm tone. His accent is reassuring in a way making me relax. Emma smiles beside me. "Yes that would be fine." I reply. "Well let's get to it then." Peter says with excitement in his voice. We watch as he collects a few different things then he starts his exam.

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