Chapter seventeen

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I haven't told Emma that I now have access to the fifth floor. I am worried about what is down there. I don't want Emma to worry but I know I have to tell her eventually. I haven't gotten a chance to check out the fifth floor. My mom has been staying on our couch because she doesn't want to be alone. She has attached herself to us in like a parasite. I am trying to be empathetic but I feel on edge. I miss my dad too but nothing is going to bring him back. I have to try and figure out a way to get there without my mother finding out. I also have to tell Emma what my dad told me. Before my dad died he said the fifth floor contained the truth but I thought he already told me the truth? I feel so lost. I don't know what to think. Did he lie to me? I need to get to the fifth floor and find out what is going on. The lunch bell pulls me out of my thoughts. I look around and the farm is already empty.

Emma is working in the store again today. If I can get to her before lunch I can catch her alone. I rush down the steps from the farm skipping every other one. I sprint down the metal hallway my foot steps loud bouncing off the walls. I make it to the store when Emma is just walking out. "Ace, what's wrong?" She asks backing back into the store. "It's just you in here today right?" She nods her head. I shut the door behind me. I look around the room to double check the room. It's empty the only thing in here are the large shelves that line the walls holding different things. There is a table the lays in the middle of the room with a chair beside it where Emma just was. There is a piece of paper with Emma's neat hand writing with words and numbers. She was in the middle of inventory when the bell rang.

"So I have a lot I have to tell you, can you sit down?" She nods and sits. Her eyes are full of worry and her hands are shaking. I lean against the nearest shelf. "So my dad told me a story a few days ago. He said your parents knew that the scruff was going to be released even though the government didn't have a cure. They weren't sent here to find a cure but there isn't one. He said they have exhausted all efforts but there is nothing." Emma is staring at me with wide eyes. I leave out the part about how her parents died. "When my dad was dying he told me your dad gave him access to the fifth level before he died. In his last breath he told me the truth lies down there. He gave me access down there. We need to go down there and find out the truth." Emma takes a long time to talk I can tell she is in shock. Her skin is pale. "It requires a fingerprint to get down there how do you have access?" I avoid eye contact. "Well um he changed it to his toe and may have cut off his toe and gave it to me?" I say with a shrug trying to sound nonchalant. Emma's mouth falls open in shock. "Why didn't you tell me any of this sooner? Why would you keep this from me?" She asks angrily. She is standing now pacing back in forth. "I'm sorry Emma I wanted to know more before I told you what was going on.." I apologized. She continues to pace "Well let's go." She says heading toward the door. "We can't go yet" I say running after her. "Why not? Everyone is at lunch and no one is going to be down there?" She utters out. Exiting the door I follow her. I have the toe in my pants pocket I haven't had anywhere to put it where my mom and Emma wouldn't find it. So I have just had my dead dad's toe in my pocket this whole time.

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