Chapter three

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The rest of the day went by slowly, we caught a lot of fish throughout the day and Suzy was pleased with that. Our shift ended at 4pm and the 2nd shift came on until 10pm. Emma met me at my apartment at 10pm, we talked, and gathered up the supplies we needed to head up to the fishing deck. We waited to leave until midnight. That way we knew that the last few stragglers would be back into their apartments.
Just passing the farm we can hear voices shouting back and forth with each other. We duck down behind a lattice that is covered in cucumber plants so thick you can't see through the holes. I recognize the one voice it's Suzy, the other one is familiar but I can't say for sure who it is, I don't think it's Scott her husband though.

Suzy: "We are gonna have to tell them eventually, everyone is going to find out!"

Male voice: "Keep your voice down before someone hears you, we will tell them when the time is right."

Emma and I lock eyes, she looks so scared, her eyes are wide. I wrap my arm around her accidentally brushing the plant, causing a shuffle to go through the farm. I hear footsteps approaching us and we race to the stairwell and up to the deck before they get too close. We open the door and the breeze is chilly on our face. The deck is empty. It's just Emma and I now.
We spread out the blanket and lay on our backs looking at the stars. "What the hell do you think that was about?" Emma speaks first. "I don't know, do you think it has something to do with the scruff?" Emma squeezes my hand. "I don't know Emma. I have been thinking about it for a while and what if they are lying to us? What if the scruff isn't real? How can we be the only people left on this earth? There has to be other colonies somewhere, don't you want to know what's out there?" Emma sits up pulling her legs tightly into her chest. "I am scared Ace. I have been and tonight solidified my worries because I have been thinking the same thing." I take my hand and rub it against her back and pull her back down against me. "Everything will be okay Emma, I am here to protect you and I am not going to let anything happen to you." She plants a sweet gentle kiss on my lips and we lay there in silence for a long time enjoying each other's company and staring up at the stars. The night sky is so clear you can see millions of stars. They look like they are so close you can reach up and touch them, the moon is high in the sky and bright illuminating the sky. This is Emma and I's favorite place to be wrapped in each other's arms laying under the night sky.

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