Chapter 7

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'My body actually hurts, is it because of just a day's work? Stupid Lydia. You're getting too relaxed'.   I yawned and got up from the bed. A light knock was placed on my door by who else if not Karen. Or that was what I thought.

" Come on in Mother", I said on my way to the bathroom.

" Oh hi Lydia, it's me Dimitri", he chuckled lightly as he scanned me from head to toe.

I quickly used my hands to cover my chest and turned around as I remembered what I was wearing.

" What are you doing in a lady's room at this hour?", I grunt and give him a shy glare.

"I just came to tell you that you forgot to serve the master's dinner", he smiled and swayed himself into the room.

"Dinner? But I thought he isn't home" I quickly grabbed my kimono and ran out of the room straight to the kitchen, he also ran along.

" Short legs, slow poke", he teased and chuckled

"When did he return? Oh my Gosh, I didn't think he'd return tonight", I whispered to him trying not to make much noise.

" Well you should thank me, I told him  you were dishing his meal and he believed me, he's waiting in the dining hall" he said before changing his direction to meet master.

After heating the food meant for him I placed all the food in the trolly.

"So I'm about to see the master", I smiled proudly to myself pushing the trolley of food to the dining hall, I'm about to meet the one who saved me. I looked at my self in disappointment. " I'm not supposed to be in a kimono", I slapped my forehead with a hiss.

"He'll think I'm not good enough now"

I bowed to the guards at the dining hall's door and they bowed slightly before opening the doors. Dimitri was one of the guards and he nodded and gave me a soft smile. My heart started to beat nearly out of my chest, I was tensed, mother said he's a young man but he sounds like a scary person even though he's young.

I pushed the trolley in and the guards shut the door behind me which made my heart skip a beat.

A man was sitting on the other side of the long dining table and the hall was empty and quiet with only few candles lit. Mother had told me he loved the darkness. I walked faster towards him trembling. Is he upset?

"Good evening master" I bowed with my eyes down avoiding eye contact with him. I started putting down the plates in front of him in a hurry.

"Your hands are shaking" his deep voice boomed through the large room. I paused and took a breath.

"Are you ok Lydia?", he whispered all of a sudden and stood up. He had such incredible height. What is he? A tree? I gasped and kept my eyes down breathing rapidly without staring at his face. I do wish to know how he looks but mother said I should always show respect and courtesy.

His fingers found it's way under my chin and he lifted it so our eyes could meet.

His dark dreamy eyes looked like there were flames in them, he actually looked young but dominant. His beautiful pink lips looked like they were craving for mine, his pale skin stood out and fit his black shiny hair, his muscular body looked like it could envelope you in warmth like a mother hen giving her chicks maximum protection. I couldn't stop staring at his face, his featured were so outstanding. His pointed nose, his eyes that looked even redder than before, his long eye lashes that batted so elegantly. He's so perfect, looks like an angel. ' Lydia what are you doing? You aren't supposed to be staring so much, he's the master and you're too Young', I tried hard to caution myself but it didn't seem to be working, he looked so dreamy.

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