Chapter 5

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Today is actually such a happy day for me, I'm so excited to do some chores again, if not for the pressure Karen put on the master I'm sure he wouldn't even say yes. Maybe he's threatened because I'm an outsider.

"Good morning mother"

Her eyes brightened up and she smiled displaying her full set of beautiful white dentitions. She scanned my body from head to toe and gave a proud nod of approval but in less than a second her expression turned to a frown.


"And why are you late to work", she crossed her hands and gave me a sarcastic eye roll. Derby and Lucy were staring at us silently watching the drama.

'Why tf wouldn't I be late? I'm new to this corset thingy, why do I have to wear a corset. It was so damn hard to put on, it made me laugh at myself a few times'

"Corset? In a maids dress? But others aren't wearing any? why me" I pouted and rolled my eyes back at her. She chuckled and held my cheeks.

"You're the master's servant, you have to look best, so that's why you're late?", she smiled nervously once again. This time I wasn't going to keep quiet about it because it made me nervous too but then I noticed Derby had a frown on her face.

I pulled Karen's arm outside the kitchen to talk privately.
" Mother why are you sweating, it's not even summer, what's making you worked out? Are you sick? Your face goes pale whenever you mention I'm the master's servant".   She still wasn't looking better.

"But you do look pretty in this corset, look at that thin waist, you need to eat better", she was obviously changing the topic here.

"What are you trying to do?" I held the palm of her hand and stood extremely close to her. It was so intimidating because she was so tall and I was still a short potato.
She patted my head twice and giggled her way back into the kitchen where Derby and Lucy, my co maids were standing whispering to each other about something i don't wish to know about.

"Now you know the master's room, go there and clean it, make sure you dust all the corners, and also the shelves, most importantly his bookshelves, he loves his books sparkling clean",

I nodded to make her understand I know my job. After all father always hit me when something is uncleaned so I'm used to cleaning corners.

"See you in a bit mother", I left to do my "now daily activity".

'But seriously this mansion is beautiful. Look at this pot. Woaw the pottery is excellent and the color'
I got carried away  by the beauty of the pot and touched it too much making it to slip from its designated table but I was too slow and it almost hit the ground when a man dressed in a guards uniform quickly caught the pot.

I had covered my ears and closed my eyes waiting for the shattering noise but was shocked to see someone had caught it that fast, where'd he even come from?

"That's good, atleast all that muscle is not for nothing, hmph", I mumbled to my self with a satisfied smile, i dont know if the naster would kill me if the pot got broken. Maybe not kill, fire me instead on my first day, that'll be so heartbreaking.

" What? No thank you? Just that? Women are truly witches" he groaned in somewhat disgust, and shook his head violently before turning to walk away.

" Hey come back, I was just kidding, I'm sorry, thank you", I pulled his hand but he was still walking dragging me along with him. What do these people eat, they're strong as fuck. He turned and gave me a side eye with a smirk before stopping in his tracks.

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