Fragments of Sorrow

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After party kim family arrived at their home.

Mr. Kim(Namjoon): "Jin, are you alright?"

Jin's father observed him closely, concern etched in his features as he took in Jin's swollen eyes and the traces of dried tears on his cheeks.

Jin: *forcing a weak smile* "I'm fine, Dad. Just a bit tired, that's all."

Mr. Kim: *placing a comforting hand on Jin's shoulder* "You don't look fine, son. Is something bothering you? You can talk to me about anything."

Jin: *hesitant, struggling to find the right words* "It's... it's nothing, Dad. Just some personal stuff I'm dealing with."

Mr. Kim: *sensing Jin's reluctance to open up* "Alright, I won't pry. But remember, I'm here for you, Jin. Whatever you're going through, you don't have to face it alone."

Jin: *nodding, touched by his father's concern* "Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it."

Despite his father's reassurances, Jin couldn't shake the weight of guilt and sorrow that hung over him like a dark cloud. He longed to confide in his father, to seek comfort in his presence, but the fear of disappointing him held him back.

As he retreated to his room, Jin couldn't help but feel the weight of his own secrets bearing down on him, suffocating him with their silent burden. And as he lay in bed, surrounded by the suffocating silence of his thoughts, he knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and uncertainties. But he was determined to face them head-on, no matter what it took.

Determined to salvage what remained of his relationship with Jungkook, Jin resolved to visit Jungkook's company the next day. Despite the pain and uncertainty swirling within him, Jin clung to the belief that their love could transcend the barriers of age.

As he prepared to face Jungkook once more, Jin couldn't shake the nagging doubts and fears that plagued his mind. What if Jungkook refused to see him? What if their love was truly doomed from the start?

But deep down, Jin knew that he couldn't simply give up without a fight. He was willing to defy convention, to challenge societal norms, all in the name of love.

With a determined resolve and a heart heavy with longing, Jin set out to confront Jungkook, clinging to the hope that their love would prove stronger than any obstacle they faced.

In the dimly lit confines of his lavish home, Jungkook sat alone, a crystal tumbler of amber liquid cradled in his hand. The soft glow of the fire cast flickering shadows across the room, dancing along the polished surfaces of the furniture.

As he raised the tumbler to his lips, the rich aroma of aged whisky enveloped him, filling his senses with its intoxicating fragrance. Each sip was like a symphony of flavors, a delicate balance of sweetness and warmth that spread through his veins like liquid fire.

The whisky burned pleasantly as it traveled down his throat, leaving a lingering warmth in its wake. With each sip, Jungkook felt the weight of the world slowly lifting from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of calm and clarity.

As he gazed out at the twinkling lights of the city below, Jungkook found solace in the quiet solitude of his home. The soft strains of music filled the air, mingling with the gentle crackle of the fire to create a soothing melody that echoed in his ears.
Jungkook allowed himself to let go of the pain and heartache that had consumed him. With each sip of whisky, he found himself slipping further into a state of peaceful contemplation, the troubles of the outside world fading into insignificance.

And as the night wore on, Jungkook found himself lost in the simple pleasures of the moment, savoring each sip of whisky as if it were the elixir of life itself, a balm to soothe his troubled soul.


In the morning (Jin hadn't slept a wink, his eyes swollen from crying), he reached out to his best friend, Jimin. They decided to meet at a cafe near the school.

Jin: Jimin, I need your help.

Jimin: *noticing Jin's distressed expression* Of course, Jin. What's wrong?

Jin: *voice trembling with emotion* It's about Jungkook... I need to talk to him, but I don't know how to approach him after everything that's happened.
(Jin explained everything to jimin)

Jimin: *sighs, placing a comforting hand on Jin's shoulder* It's been a mess, hasn't it?

Jin: *voice breaking* I messed up, Jimin. I didn't mean to hide my age from him. I just... I was scared.

Jimin: *nodding in understanding, his eyes reflecting concern* I get it, Jin. But Jungkook is hurt too. We can't blame him, especially when he feels betrayed.

Jin: *nodding, tears welling up in his eyes* I know, and I regret not being honest with him from the start. I just hope he'll listen to me if I explain everything.

Jimin: *placing a hand on Jin's arm reassuringly* It's worth a shot, Jin. But you need to be prepared for whatever he says. He's hurting too.

Jin: *sniffing, wiping away a tear* I know... I just can't give up on him, Jimin. I love him.

Jimin: *giving Jin a supportive hug* Then go talk to him, Jin. Lay it all out on the table and see where it goes. Just remember, I've got your back no matter what happens.

Jin: *gratefully returning the hug* Thanks, Jimin. I can't come to school today. I will go see Hyung.

Jimin: *giving Jin a reassuring smile* Anytime, Jin. Now go get him.

Twilight Obsession/JINKOOKTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang