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"My crib still gated... a whole lotta money bring problems, but if a nigga play? We gone get him murdered tomorrow, wanna see me demonstrate?" 762 YFN Lucci

 a whole lotta money bring problems, but if a nigga play? We gone get him murdered tomorrow, wanna see me demonstrate?" 762 YFN Lucci

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


I cut my eyes at my sister after we roll through the Korean Barbeque, all for her bitch-ass.

"DL and ZJ got other plugs, I'm sure of it, and maybe if you would talk to your son, you would know dat! And dat's YO lil friend Nyla Watson, and you tellin' us you don't know shit?!" I tell my sister while we ride along, the Range smellin' like teriyaki sauce and she just talked to Keeman –

And we all, almost blacked the fuck out when Keeman told us about it, and we saw Nyla fucking Watson all over the fucking internet talking about she had to climb out a window to get away from Libby Baker and Nature fucking Livingston. Oh my fucking God.

"Dat bitch Nyla is ridin' fo' The Carter, even I can see dat much-- and Toyia just fucking ask ZJ what da fuck I just said, gotdayumm why dat's so hard?!" Kayla snaps.

"Right. You too hard on him, just ask him," I input. And oh my God, I stare at social media on this phone. Nyla is crazy as fuck. She goes the fuck off on Libby on her Facebook page and I snort, reading it, wow, this shit is insane.

"First of all – fuck all dat shit, it's Mauricio. I keep telling ya'll dat. With daddy out the way, Renada was fucked, New York and Chicago got left wide the fuck open, so Mauricio snatched up new transport and moved in behind her fucking back. DJ other plugs aint fucking with no El Mano soldier, Mauricio is her right hand, right up under that bitch, he sent them pics. If Kayla is pissed off, Kayla just switches to Mauricio's team too, and Renada has even more transport problems. Mauricio just trying to weaken Renada from every angle and take her place. And her El Mano partners don't give a fuck about replacing her either, that's a woman seated at a table full of men," Toyia says, and Kayla jerks up--

 And her El Mano partners don't give a fuck about replacing her either, that's a woman seated at a table full of men," Toyia says, and Kayla jerks up--

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Hol' up, how New York and Chicago left wide the fuck open without my husband, when Pyru and Gogo Wright still moving product through ME. I took my husband's place gotdammit, ain't shit left open," Kayla snarls back pointin' at herself with that chicken wing. Lord hammercy can this bitch hear?

EVERGREEN (BLOOD SUPREMACY V) by Ingrid SmithNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ