23 | and they were roommates

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"Of course I'll move in with you" Y/n replied. "That's all I could ever want."

"I love you so fucking much you don't even understand" Levi said, kissing her. "Whenever you're ready we'll get you settled in."

"I'll bring my things later today" Y/n said. 

"Okay, just tell me when so I can help you carry stuff."

"Deal" Y/n replied. 

Although Y/n and Levi had been through some ups and downs lately, Y/n couldn't be happier than to move in with the one she loved. She was already mentally deciding how she would pack everything for later. She wanted nothing more than to be by his side. 

Y/n glanced at the time and realized it was later in the day than she thought.

"Oh babe, I gotta go meet Armin at the gym. We're going to start working out together."

"Oh thank god" Levi said. "That kid has far too much potential to endanger himself by not being in proper shape. Show him how it's done baby. I know you will."

"Yes, Captain" Y/n replied, giving him a half-assed salute before turning and leaving his office. 

Levi rolled his eyes at her mocking gesture. He'd get her back for that later, that's for sure. 

Y/n headed to the dining hall so she could meet up with Armin. The scouts should have just finished training (despite Levi ditching for the day) so they should all be heading there now to grab a bite to eat. 

"I'm sorry what??" Y/n heard Connie's loud voice echo from the other side of the room. 

"You want to fuck Eren's titan?!" 

"Mikasa, this is most you've spoken this month and you chose to say that." 

"What did I just walk into?" Y/n asked trying to ease the tension. Eren wasn't anywhere in sight, which is probably why Connie and Mikasa were having this conversation freely.

"Uh, nothing" Mikasa said quickly.


Mikasa's foot stomped on the top of Connie's from under the table. 

"Actually, she's right. It's nothing."

"You know if you guys want your secret conversations to stay a secret, you might wanna have them quieter" Y/n suggested, bringing a glass of water to her lips.

Mikasa's cheeks glowed red and Connie pretended to be nonchalant knowing anything but would get him another kick under the table. 

"Hey guys" Armin said, joining the table with Eren.

"Hello" Eren said.

Mikasa's cheeks seemed to get even redder at his presence. 

"Ready to workout?" Y/n asked, turning to Armin. 

"Yes, I'm actually excited. I'm so unmotivated when I'm at the gym alone."

"I'm excited too" Y/n replied. "Let's head there right after we're done. How was training by the way?"

"Chaotic" Eren said. "Hange took over for Captain Levi and had us role-play. Some of us had to be titans and the others had to try to find a way to communicate with them."

"Can I guess which one she had you be?" Y/n teased.

"Haha, very funny" Eren replied, clearly unamused. 

"How are things with you?" Eren said, turning his attention to Y/n. 

"Better" Y/n said. Eren must be confused because the last time you saw him you and Levi had broken up. It was clear you were upset about something, but you never quite filled him in on all the details. 

"I'll explain later" Y/n said, and Eren nodded.

"Okay, I'm ready" Armin said. 

"I'll meet you there."

Y/n reached the gym and quickly changed into some workout clothes. Nothing special, just a pair of gym shorts and a black t shirt. Armin appeared shortly after, wearing a similar outfit. 

"Okay, so I made a sort of circuit for us to do to work on endurance. Station one is push-ups. Two is squats. Three is lunges. Four is mountain climbers. Five is crunches. We will do each station for a minute until my timer beeps and we move onto the next."

"Okay!" Armin said, enthusiastically. 

"We will do the circuit 10 times with two five minute breaks in between. Now, go!"

Y/n and Armin completed the circuit and by the time they were done they were both dripping with sweat. As they sipped on water, they decided to catch up since they don't typically have a lot of one-on-one time together.

"So, how are things with you and the Captain? Eren told me you guys broke up."

"We did, for a bit" Y/n replied. "Petra sort of got in between us and messed things up for a bit."

"Wait, Levi and Petra?" Armin asked, mouth agape. 

"Well, not entirely. She basically blackmailed him into kissing her otherwise she would spill some really personal info about me. Stuff that would really hurt me."

"Damn that's fucked up" Armin said. "Wait- is that why she had a bloody nose the other day? It was you?"

"Yup" Y/n replied, popping the p. "I couldn't help myself when I learned the truth. See, I saw them kissing and I just thought Levi was cheating on me. That's why I hooked up with Eren."

"Ohhh I see. That makes sense. I can't blame you there. I probably would have done the same."

"Yeah, but then I finally learned the truth and when I confronted Petra about it that's when I gave her a bloody nose."

"Bitch had it coming" Armin said. Y/n laughed in response. 

"She really did."

"So, how are things with you and Levi now?"

"Well, we talked everything over and ended up making up. He actually asked me to move in with him."

"Oh my god that's amazing! I'm so happy for you two."

"I don't know how to explain it, but you can just feel the happiness radiating off of both of you when you're together. I'm so glad things worked out. Have you discussed your future with him yet?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, I know you're moving in together, but what about after that. Does he want marriage, kids? What do you want?"

"Well, kids I've never really wanted. Even if I did, I can't actually bear children."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's okay. As for marriage, I'm not against it. I don't see a problem spending the rest of your life with the person you love."

"Aw that's sweet. Yeah, not to put pressure on you or anything, but you might wanna have this conversation with the Captain. Those are just dealbreakers in relationships and I'd hate to see you get hurt if you get in too deep and then find out you don't have the same goals."

"No, yeah you're totally right. Thanks Armin. I'll definitely have that talk soon. I think Levi and I were just so caught up in the honeymoon phase that we haven't stopped to think about any of that yet."

"Happy to help."

as long as i am here, no one can hurt you | levi x reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now