21 | reveals & revenge

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Y/n headed to where she knew Annie was stationed that day. Outside of the royal library. If Armin knew she was stationed around this many books, he would probably request an immediate transfer. She had put on her civilian clothes that Nile gave her and held the notebook and pen tightly under her arm. She finally reached the royal library and saw Annie stationed there with a shorter blonde girl with green eyes standing across from her guarding the opposite side of the entrance. 

"Hitch shut up I can't hear myself think" Annie said.

"Always the charmer" Hitch replied. "You're never going to find a boyfriend when you act like that."

"Bold to assume I'd be interested in any of these MPs" Annie said. 

"I mean Marlo's not bad" Hitch said. 

Y/n approached butting into their conversation. 

"Hello, I'm with the Eldia press. Dawk sent me to interview you. I don't know if he told you beforehand" she said, hoping to sound as natural as possible. 

"Yeah he told us. How long is this going to take?" Annie asked.

"Why? Because you're so busy in front of this library?" Y/n asked.

Hitch let out a loud laugh, but Annie's face remained stoic. 

"Well, I guess you're right" Annie sighed. "This interview may actually be more interesting than this boring ass job."

"Is it okay if we just sit in here?" Y/n asked, gesturing to one of the many empty tables in the library.

"Yeah, should be fine" Annie replied. "Hitch you okay here on your own for a bit?" 

"Yeah, I think I'll survive."

Annie lead Y/n into the library and took a seat. Y/n sat across from her and opened her notebook. 

"Alright, why don't you tell me a little about yourself. What made you want to become an MP?"

"I joined because my father wanted me to" Annie said bluntly. 

"Oh? What's your father like?"

"Strict. He was always hard on me. Wanted me to do my best no matter what. I wanted to become an MP so I would have the highest chances of returning to him."

"That couldn't have been easy. You must have been under a lot of pressure growing up" Y/n said.

"100%. He had me training day and night. All he wanted was for me to be a good soldier."

"Well, it's clear you're a competent shoulder. Not without the cost of your childhood I'm sure."

"Well, you got that right" Annie said, staring at a wall of books past Y/n's shoulder. "Can I ask you something? Off the record."

"Sure, anything."

"How is Armin doing? And um the rest of the 104th..how are Bertholdt and Reiner? How's everyone?" Annie breathed out all at once. "You've interviewed all of them, yeah?"

"They're good. Armin is really developing his strategic abilities. He's basically Erwin's right hand man in training at this point. Bertholdt keeps to himself mostly, but he seems to be doing alright. Reiner's been performing well in training and seems to be enjoying his time in the scouts."

"Hm" Annie said. "That's good to hear."

"Yeah" Y/n said. "I'm sure you're making your father proud every day, but I think what he'd want most is for you to come home in one piece."

Annie stayed quiet for a beat before she said "yeah, you're probably right. I think that's what I want too. I don't even care about the mission anymore."

as long as i am here, no one can hurt you | levi x reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now