14 | caught

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After the cafeteria cleared, the drinking really began. Everyone had been sipping generously from Armin's flask, only a few drops remaining. Y/n poured everyone a glass of wine and they were all chatting and starting to get a buzz. Armin's cheeks glowed pink from the liquor and Y/n could see Jean's starting to as well. 

"Floch's been so fucking annoying" Jean commented. "Every time he opens his mouth I wanna smack him."

Eren hummed in agreement "I did" he said. 

"When?!" Jean asked. 

"We were putting our gear away and Floch got in the way so I backhanded him" Eren shrugged. 

"And he didn't react?" Jean asked.

Eren sipped at his moscato and said dryly "guess he's only tough around women." 

Y/n gave Eren a slight smile. Happy to hear that Floch got hit, but she felt bad that the boys felt the need to defend her still. 

"He's such a piece of shit. Next mission, I'm using him as a shield against titan's" Jean said. 

"I thought I was the shield" Armin laughed. "I still haven't killed any."

"Let's play truth or drink!" Sasha shouted. "Ooh can we?!" Connie chimed in. 

Everyone nodded in agreement and poured themselves a fresh glass. 

"Jean!" Connie shouted. "Are you into Mikasa?" 

Jean's face glowed a bright red and he took a long sip. Well, that answered that question. 

"Armin, who at this table have you kissed?" Jean asked. Armin had a few at this point and it was probably in his best interest not to drink. 

"Y/n" Armin said. "And...Eren."  

Everyone at the table stared wide-eyed at the three of them. Eren simply shrugged. He was bisexual and he didn't see a big deal about it. Jean pretended to act surprised, but it was obvious he knew something. 

"Mikasa...do you like anyone at this table?" Armin asked. 

Mikasa stared blankly before answering. "Yes" she said. No one was surprised at her answer. Everyone knew she was into Eren, but it was clear Jean hoped it was him.

"Connie..what's your craziest sex story?" Those were not the words Y/n expected to come out of Mikasas's mouth, but alright then.

"Well, one time Shadis caught Mina and I going at it in the storage room. He made us do his laundry for a week in exchange for his silence."

"Oh my god, I can't believe you just exposed that" Sasha said laughing. 

"You should tell yours!" Connie said. 

"Alright well, Nicolo and I were doing stuff in the freezer at his restaurant and the door got locked, so we couldn't leave. I just started eating the ice cream as Nic carried on our..activities" Sasha said. Connie burst out laughing upon hearing the story. "As you should, Sash" he said. 

"I'm going to ask Y/n the same question" Sasha said. "Craziest sex story?"

Y/n chugged half of her glass "not gonna happen" she said. "Aw" Sasha pouted. 

They ended up all having a great time that night. They all drank way too much. Y/n felt dizzy as she tried to make it back to her room. It didn't help that she still had a bit of vertigo from her head injury. Eren and Armin walked her to her dorm and she wished them goodnight. Eren kissed the top of her head before leaving and Armin gave her a gentle hug. She collapsed in her bed, dreading having to wake up early to work for Erwin the next day. 

Y/n was rudely awoken by the sun shining through the curtains. She sat up in bed and felt a pounding headache. Her drinking was coming back to bite her in the ass. "Ugh" she groaned. Here goes nothing. She made it to Erwin's office for 9am and greeted her Commander. "Good morning sir."

"Good morning" Erwin said. "Please take a seat." Y/n obliged and sat across from him. 

"I've laid out the paperwork I want you to complete on the desk. I will be coming and going throughout the day, so don't mind me. Alright, I'll be off. If you have any questions, ask Hange." 

Erwin left and Y/n got straight to work. She worked away and finished all of the paperwork in a few hours. She started to feel a bit bored, so she began organizing his office just to pass the time. She got on her hands and knees and began scrubbing every surface by hand. Y/n was so caught up in her work that she barely heard the door open. 

"Y/n" Erwin said, his voice somewhat caught in his throat. To see her in this position was quite a sight. Erwin gulped and walked around to her. He glanced at his desk, then back at her. "Done already?" he asked.

"Yes" Y/n said. "I thought I'd just clean up a bit." Erwin nodded. 

"You've done a great job so far, Cadet" he said. Y/n stood up and walked over to him. "Thank you, sir. Is there anything else you want from me?" 

Erwin found himself getting lost in her eyes as he stared down at her. He found himself leaning in involuntarily and just as his lips were about to meet hers he felt a soft hand on his chest. "Sir" Y/n breathed. "I can't" she said. 

Erwin let out a breath "is it Levi?" he asked. Y/n felt herself freeze in place. Did Levi tell him? 

"H-how did you know?" she asked. 

"I didn't. Until now" he said. "I see the way he looks at you."

"Am I in trouble?" she asked. 

"No. Actually, I would like to apologize. That was unprofessional of me to even try. I guess I just got carried away" Erwin said. "If you no longer wish to act as my assistant, I understand."

"It's okay sir. You are forgiven. I will continue to work as planned" Y/n said. 

"That's a relief" Erwin said. "You've done a great job so far."

"Thank you, Commander." 

"I'm dismissing you for the rest of the day. Also, I heard Levi wrapped up his training early" Erwin said. 

"Thank you, sir" Y/n said taking the hint and hurrying to Levi's room. Y/n entered his office without knocking and she didn't see Levi. She sat at his desk waiting for him to arrive. 

Y/n saw the door handle turn and she looked up, her eyes meeting Levi's. 

"Y/n" he breathed. "What are you doing here?" 

"I wanted to see you" she said. "And, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Levi asked, taking a seat across from her at the desk. This time she was in his office chair and he was in the chair normally meant for guests. 

"I realized something today" Y/n began. "Erwin tried to kiss me, but I stopped him."

"Why?" Levi asked. 

"When he went to do it, I realized that I only wanted your lips on mine" she explained. "I've messed around a bit, which I needed to gain my ownership of body back, but I find myself continuously drawn back to you. You make me feel emotions I never thought I'd feel, Levi. I feel safe around you and I find myself not wanting to leave your side. I think I'm in love with you."

Levi felt himself lose breath at her confession. "Oh, Y/n" he said and brought her in for a kiss across the desk. 

"I feel the same way" he whispered once they pulled away. 

"So, we're exclusive?" Y/n asked. "I've been yours all this time" Levi said solidifying them as a couple. 

"Also, Erwin knows" she said. 

"How? I didn't tell him" Levi said confused. 

"He just had a hunch" Y/n said. 

"And he's okay with it?" Levi asked. 

"Yes" Y/n said. "We can tell whoever we want now. I'm no longer your little secret. I'm just yours." 

as long as i am here, no one can hurt you | levi x reader 18+Where stories live. Discover now